Results for "Whittier Strong"

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Whittier Strong

I’m From Bloomington, IN.

This is hard for me to write.  I risk incriminating people with whom I am making peace.  I now recognize that they, as well as I, were operating out of ignorance.  Yet I must t...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Whittier Strong

I’m From Bloomington, IN.

One fine morning in third grade, I awoke in a very good mood. As a pretentious eight-year-old addicted to public broadcasting, I planned to spend the day, as sometimes I would, sp...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Whittier Strong

I’m From Bloomington, IN.

RRRRIIIPP! I checked for the source of the sound, and felt a small hole in the crotch of my jeans.  “Fifteen hours,” I assured myself.  “Fifteen hours, and I can unpack my...