Results for "youth"

“We Have An Obligation To Be Visible.” Lesbian Changes 6th Grader’s Life By Hanging Up a Pride Flag.
Hi, my name is Nicole Bashor and I’m originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I ended up going to college at the University of Pittsburgh, and it was quite a transition bA few years after that, I got married to a woman and we, after living in the city of Chicago for 20 years, were looking to buy a house. We originally moved to Evanston, which is t...

Student Fights To Change School Dress Code–And Wins. “I Should Be Allowed To Wear A Suit.”
I’m Nash Keyes. I’m from Columbus, Ohio. So late one night after a long day of school, like in the middle of winter I think, I was at home brushing my teeth to get ready for b...

Straight Daughter Of Lesbian Moms Responds To Uncomfortable Questions With Humor.
I’m Julia Heilrayne. I’m from Austin, Texas and I’m a sophomore in high school here. So when I was 10 years old, the summer before my third, er, before my fourth grade year,...

Thirteen-Year-Old Comes Out To Class: “This Is Who I Am And I Make No Apologies.”
I’m Arwyn Heilrayne. I’m from Austin, Texas and I’m 13 and in the seventh grade. Earlier this year, we had a substitute in Spanish class. I had finished the assignment so sh...

One Person’s Journey From Identifying As A Tomboy, Then Femme, and Finally Gender Non-Binary.
I’m E Garcia and I’m from New York City. When I was a kid, I was a huge tomboy. I remember when I was 5, I asked my parents if I could get a mohawk and dye it pink, purple and...

From Homeless to Hopeful: How One Weekend On Fire Island Changed Gay Teen’s Life.
Hi, I’m Scott Riedel. I’m from Ironton, Ohio. It’s a small town in southern Ohio. I moved to New York about twenty-five years ago and met my partner Gil. Gil was born and ra...

“Be Happy. The Gay Brotherhood Demands This Of You.”
My name is Dave White, I’m a writer and I live in Los Angeles. I grew up in southeastern New Mexico. When I was 17 years old in 1982 my family was living in a little town called...

Agender Person Goes From Being Bullied In The Newark Projects To Gracing The Cover of French Vogue
I’m Andre J., I’m from Newark, New Jersey. I remember this one particular time growing up in the projects that I was coming home from school and a 20-year-old looked at me and...

Dancing In His Underwear for the Garbage Man, Noah Embraced Queerness and Sexuality Since Childhood
I’m Noah Michelson and I’m from Racine, Wisconsin, which is a good place to go home to now but not a great place to grow up if you’re queer and especially in the 80s. And I ...