Results for "Santo Domingo"

Non-Binary Person Thrives After Finding Supportive Community. “I Feel Very Optimistic.”

by Vic

Non-Binary Person Thrives After Finding Supportive Community. “I Feel Very Optimistic.”

Hi, I’m Vic. I’m from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.    When I was younger, I felt like I knew I was different and my body was not mine. And the way I remembI started Googling, YouTubing, and I found that there are other people who also feel this way and that I’m not alone. Even though I had a lot of queer, lesbian and gay frien...

I’m From Santo Domingo, Costa Rica.
I’m From Santo Domingo, Costa Rica.

I consider myself a lucky man, considering all that I have lived through. I was about 6 years old when I realized I was bisexual, but after 7 years of being bullied by females and...