I'm From Driftwood
The stories on I’m From Driftwood send a simple but powerful message to LGBTQIA+ people everywhere: You are not alone. I’m From Driftwood combats isolation and creates empathy to build a more understanding and accepting world. These are our stories, told in our own voices.
Latest Gay Men Stories
Gay Man Staying Married To Woman “Wasn’t Fair To Me And It Wasn’t Fair To Her.”
My name is Ken Henderson and I’m from Globe, Arizona. I dated girls in high school, I noticed boys a lot but being gay wasn’t something that really seemed an option to me at th...
“Why Isn’t My Family Changing Their Facebook Profile Picture” To Show LGBTQ Support?
Hi, I’m Tony Howell, I’m from Fortville, Indiana. And I came out to my mom in 2005. I came home from school and I said, “Mom, I need to tell you something.” And she took it...
“The Greatest Gift In Life Was Meeting The Love Of My Life.”
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countr...
After Humiliating Police Raid, Gay Man Learns To Stand Up For Himself And Others.
My name is T.J. Mannix, I’m from Boca Raton, Florida. I realized once I had an inkling that I was gay, I realized that if I won awards and if I got trophies and if I got honors a...
Father Evolves From “I’d Disown [My Gay Son]” to “I’m Sorry. I Love You, Son.”
Hello, my name is Cesar Pina and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. About 10 years ago, walking about at a family function around the adults, being a teenager. It was a conversation ab...
Doctor To Mother Of Gay Son: “It Doesn’t Matter And You Can’t Do Anything About It.”
I’m Johnny Taranto, I’m from Farmingdale, New York. When I was about 5 years old, I remember sneaking downstairs to the basement every morning to watch our VHS copy of The Wiza...
Near-Death Experience Results In Gay Man Coming Out
I’m Cristhian Escobar, I’m from Nicaragua, raised in New York City. And for the first few years of my life, I was separated from my mom and my dad as a result of being born in ...
A Mom’s Evolution: “I’m Willing To Work Through That Because I Do Love You.”
I’ve always been a singer and eventually my parents had the idea that they should transfer me out of my public school and into the school that my mother works at, which is a priv...
1963: Boy Whipped In Front Of Entire School For Kissing Another Boy
I was born in London, England in 1951. I suppose by the age of 12 it was a rather important moment in my life when I was caught kissing a boy at a rather conservative private boys ...
Shy Introvert Becomes Outgoing Drag Queen.
My name is Blake Pruitt and I’m from Westminster, Maryland. When I was younger driving home from school with my mom, we would stop at our favorite chinese restaurant on the way h...
Father Would Rather His Son “Be a Murderer in Jail” Than Be Gay.
My name is Lucas Mendieta and I’m from Greenville, South Carolina. When I was 15 years old I was at Spring Break with my friends down in Florida. And my sister got a hold of me a...
“Something Really Remarkable Happened” After Grandson Shows Coming Out Film Made For His Grandpa.
My name is Joshua Davy and I’m from Hong Kong. When I was 16, me and my mom were invited to the W Hotel in Guangzhou because we did two pieces of artwork there. And I remember du...