Filmmaker Met With Resistance After Featuring Gay Couple In Film

by Justin Scarelli

When Justin Scarelli wrote, produced, and directed a film that had a gay couple in it, he didn’t think much of it. Until some parts of his community started hearing about it.

One of my crewmembers grew up very conservative Christian so he had a lot of network. When he started telling people about the film, he worked at a coffee shop, and this husband and wife walked in, and he was promoting the film, telling him about the three storylines, and she came in and out of nowhere said, “Well our cousin, we think she’s gay and she’s going to Hell because that’s just not what’s in the Bible.” And that really floored me because I’d never heard that before. I’m living in a bubble with it so all of a sudden, I got really angry and couldn’t–it was really hard for me to process.

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