I was born gay, of course, and went through hell all the way through school. I was called faggot, queer, and homo all through life. I came out to my parents when I was 17. My mom cried and my dad looked down to the floor. I hugged them both then left home and moved in with a man. I stayed with him for 5 years, then met another man with 2 boys. At the time, they were 6 and 7. I stayed with him for about 13 years until the kids were grown. He was a drug addict (crack) and very abusive. When I left him the boys were grown and came with me. I’m Father to them now. They have three kids between them and the youngest grandchild is named after me. Even though I’m not biologically their dad, I am Papa and Dad to them and we have a great family together. All of my life, I have been beaten by classmates and a lover, and called names, but when I look and see my sons and grandkids I know I did the right thing. Yes, there were consequences–I now suffer from anxiety disorders, I see a psychiatrist and a psychologist and I suffer from agoraphobia. But I’m still here. Let nothing get you down–I’m down but not out.
NOTE: Kenny was proud to share a photo of part of his family. Below you’ll see Kenny with his youngest step-son, his step-son’s wife, and Kenny’s first grandson.