Life is a road full of choosing to go left or right. Many turns, good and bad, have brought me here today.
Having just turned 46 I find myself reflective these days. I have had full-blown AIDS since 1998, and it is once again making itself known in a big way.
Truth be told, I look back and can only find one place in my life that I would love to see where it would have gone: if I had chosen to stay in Tennessee all those years ago, instead of going to Boston for a “hard” job offer. I would have missed out on so much that this road brought me. Yes, I got HIV on my birthday, and a few years later went full-blown. Yes, that may not have happened if I chose to stay in Tennessee, but then I would have missed what did happen. I fell in love with my best friend, and he became my husband. He actually was more; he was my mate. We bought a house in Tallahassee, Florida. We started our own trucking company, and I got to see the country as if I was seeing it for the first time, but through his eyes. We had two beautiful dogs. The past two years have been really tough. June 23rd, 2010 at 18:30 Thom passed over to the other side at home. We were married for 12 years, and I would do it all over again, just to be able to hold him and feel those sexy legs of his near me again. These days I fight for the house because we were not legally married in Florida, and it is not looking like it will be in my favor. I spend most of time in Cross City, Florida in my 5th wheel trailer, at a Gay Camp. Both dogs have passed away, and I have way too much time to think. Life will go on I know, but where is my place? I don’t know yet. I just stumble looking for the next path. I do know it will be worth it when it gets here.