Results for "stories"

From “Utter Agony” to Love and Trust: A Father’s Journey of Acceptance Towards His Gay Son
Hi, I’m James Palmer. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. In my mid 20s, I reached out to a therapist because I was having some challenges with the relationship that I was in, My life continued for six years. So for many years, I had thought that it was paramount that I, before my dad died, that I would be able to sit with him and to have a conversation...

From a Secret Wedding to Legal Marriage: A Lesbian Love Story in the Shadow of Prop 8
My name is KishaLynn Elliot and I’m from San Diego, California. One night in 2006, a friend of mine dragged me out for drinks in West Hollywood. We’re sitting at theElection night comes and our group of our friends decided to have a viewing party and we went, and it’s a very exciting time. It’s all of our Black friends and we̵...

Kicked Out of the Military for Being Gay: One Man’s Experience During “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Hi, my name is James Garcia and I am from New York City. In 1996, I enlisted in the Air Force. During that time, don’t ask, don’t tell was in place. That means the mI eventually gave the commander of the base at that time a letter disclosing who I am. v The conversation moved to “Well, we’re going to ask you to leave the base now,...

Gay Man Grateful After Coming Out to Parents: “You Never Know How Long We’re Going To Be Around.”
My name is Edison and I’m from New York City. I grew up in a loving but extremely conservative household. My family, my parents were immigrants, are immigrants from Ecuador,And I said to him, “You’re right.” I don’t care what the truth is, what happens, what the outcome is, but you’re right. I need to tell my truth to th...

“We Have An Obligation To Be Visible.” Lesbian Changes 6th Grader’s Life By Hanging Up a Pride Flag.
Hi, my name is Nicole Bashor and I’m originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I ended up going to college at the University of Pittsburgh, and it was quite a transition bA few years after that, I got married to a woman and we, after living in the city of Chicago for 20 years, were looking to buy a house. We originally moved to Evanston, which is t...

From NSYNC Cover Band Drag King to Coming Out at Work, Trans Man Shares Journey to Self-Acceptance
My name is Jay Beaulieu, I’m from South Pasadena, California. When I was six years old, I remember learning how to play basketball. I was on the court learning to shoot frSo, life moved on and I ended up getting a real job and buying a house. And one thing that never settled with me was my body dysphoria. And anybody who doesn’t want a big ch...

Sexually Harassed at Work, Fired, and Then Empowered: Two-Spirit Person Finds Voice by Speaking Up.
My name is Cherokee Lindsay, and I’m from the Bronx, New York. About four years ago, four or five years ago or so, I was at a place in my life where I was happy with my joThe judge ruled in my favor. I didn’t have to pay any of the unemployment back, and ultimately they left me alone. I just remember thinking that I wanted to put this all beh...

First Love Compels Gay Man to Mend Fences with his Mom. “There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel.”
I’m Junior Suazo and I’m from Miami, Florida. My family is from Nicaragua. I’m a first generation college graduate and I come from a Catholic background. GrowiAs time progressed, I made the decision that since I was graduating, that I wanted to move to California, move with my husband. During that time, even though the transition of my ...

Queer Person Thrives After Choosing Theater Over Evangelism. “How Could It Possibly Be a Sin?”
My name is Dina Paolo Rodriguez. I’m from El Caja, Peru. We immigrated to the US, to Miami, in the late nineties and my mom became a born again Christian, evangelical ChriI was like, “Oh, this is such a relief.” And then I went home and I had insinuated to my mom that I might have feelings for my friend, but I hadn’t said, “...