Results for "stories"

From “Utter Agony” to Love and Trust: A Father’s Journey of Acceptance Towards His Gay Son

by James Palmer

From “Utter Agony” to Love and Trust: A Father’s Journey of Acceptance Towards His Gay Son

Hi, I’m James Palmer. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. In my mid 20s, I reached out to a therapist because I was having some challenges with the relationship that I was in, My life continued for six years. So for many years, I had thought that it was paramount that I, before my dad died, that I would be able to sit with him and to have a conversation...

From a Secret Wedding to Legal Marriage: A Lesbian Love Story in the Shadow of Prop 8

by KishaLynn Elliot

From a Secret Wedding to Legal Marriage: A Lesbian Love Story in the Shadow of Prop 8

My name is KishaLynn Elliot and I’m from San Diego, California.  One night in 2006, a friend of mine dragged me out for drinks in West Hollywood. We’re sitting at theElection night comes and our group of our friends decided to have a viewing party and we went, and it’s a very exciting time. It’s all of our Black friends and we̵...

Kicked Out of the Military for Being Gay: One Man’s Experience During “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

by James Garcia

Kicked Out of the Military for Being Gay: One Man’s Experience During “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Hi, my name is James Garcia and I am from New York City.  In 1996, I enlisted in the Air Force. During that time, don’t ask, don’t tell was in place. That means the mI eventually gave the commander of the base at that time a letter disclosing who I am. v The conversation moved to “Well, we’re going to ask you to leave the base now,...

Gay Man Grateful After Coming Out to Parents: “You Never Know How Long We’re Going To Be Around.”

by Edison

Gay Man Grateful After Coming Out to Parents: “You Never Know How Long We’re Going To Be Around.”

My name is Edison and I’m from New York City. I grew up in a loving but extremely conservative household. My family, my parents were immigrants, are immigrants from Ecuador,And I said to him, “You’re right.” I don’t care what the truth is, what happens, what the outcome is, but you’re right. I need to tell my truth to th...

“We Have An Obligation To Be Visible.” Lesbian Changes 6th Grader’s Life By Hanging Up a Pride Flag.

by Nicole Bashor

“We Have An Obligation To Be Visible.” Lesbian Changes 6th Grader’s Life By Hanging Up a Pride Flag.

Hi, my name is Nicole Bashor and I’m originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  I ended up going to college at the University of Pittsburgh, and it was quite a transition bA few years after that, I got married to a woman and we, after living in the city of Chicago for 20 years, were looking to buy a house. We originally moved to Evanston, which is t...

From NSYNC Cover Band Drag King to Coming Out at Work, Trans Man Shares Journey to Self-Acceptance

by Jay Beaulieu

From NSYNC Cover Band Drag King to Coming Out at Work, Trans Man Shares Journey to Self-Acceptance

My name is Jay Beaulieu, I’m from South Pasadena, California.  When I was six years old, I remember learning how to play basketball. I was on the court learning to shoot frSo, life moved on and I ended up getting a real job and buying a house. And one thing that never settled with me was my body dysphoria. And anybody who doesn’t want a big ch...

Sexually Harassed at Work, Fired, and Then Empowered: Two-Spirit Person Finds Voice by Speaking Up.

by Cherokee Lindsay

Sexually Harassed at Work, Fired, and Then Empowered: Two-Spirit Person Finds Voice by Speaking Up.

My name is Cherokee Lindsay, and I’m from the Bronx, New York.  About four years ago, four or five years ago or so, I was at a place in my life where I was happy with my joThe judge ruled in my favor. I didn’t have to pay any of the unemployment back, and ultimately they left me alone. I just remember thinking that I wanted to put this all beh...

Junior, a latino gay man stands in front of pink brick wall.

by Junior Suazo

First Love Compels Gay Man to Mend Fences with his Mom. “There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel.”

I’m Junior Suazo and I’m from Miami, Florida.  My family is from Nicaragua. I’m a first generation college graduate and I come from a Catholic background. GrowiAs time progressed, I made the decision that since I was graduating, that I wanted to move to California, move with my husband. During that time, even though the transition of my ...

Dina, a queer peruvian immigrant sits for interview.

by Dina Paolo Rodriguez

Queer Person Thrives After Choosing Theater Over Evangelism. “How Could It Possibly Be a Sin?”

My name is Dina Paolo Rodriguez. I’m from El Caja, Peru.  We immigrated to the US, to Miami, in the late nineties and my mom became a born again Christian, evangelical ChriI was like, “Oh, this is such a relief.” And then I went home and I had insinuated to my mom that I might have feelings for my friend, but I hadn’t said, “...