Results for "1960's"

Gay And Coming Of Age In 1970s New York City.
1960s: A Trip To The Met Was “The First Time I Remember Any Attraction For Men.” I first became aware of being attracted to men when growing up in the mid-sixties, when I was1970s: Melba Moore Performing At Bathhouse Changes Gay Teen’s Life. Okay, so in the early seventies when I was around 15 and attending Bronx High School of Science, still feeliComing Out To Parents In 1975: “You’re Our Son. We Love You. Be Home By Midnight.” Okay, so around in 1975, just a little before I turned 18, I was talking with my brother.1981: After Protest At Harvard, “I Was Out For All The World To See.” After high school, I took some time off because at the time I didn’t think I wanted to go to college. 1985: “Heartbreak Is A Natural Part of Relationships.” Here I am in Boston in 1985. After taking a hiatus from Divinity School, I had resumed taking classes again and I met mFear Surrounding AIDS In The 80s: “I Might Have Already Been Infected. I Didn’t Know.” I started hearing about AIDS or as it was called in the press at that point, Gay Rela...

Falling In Love, Breaking Up, And Reuniting: “Every Day Was The Best, Best, Best, Best Day Ever.”
1950s: Experience During Naptime: “It Was An Inkling Of A Difference.” So being a native New Yorker, I started my early childhood education on the Lower East Side. I was fourLate 1950s: Neighborhood Crush: “She Was The Sexiest Thing I Had Ever Seen.” Okay, so in the late fifties, we – the big migration – so we moved from the Lower East Side t1960s: First Kiss With Another Girl Was “The Kiss Of Life.” So I’m 17. I’m living in Spanish Harlem and I’m venturing out to Harlem at this point. So Diane becomes one “I Learned How A Broken Heart Actually Feels.” So now I’m 17. I’m a senior in high school. I start to venture out. So I’ve become friends with Diane. Her house was a coFalling In Love, Breaking Up, And Reuniting: “Every Day Was The Best, Best, Best, Best Day Ever.” From my twenties into my thirties, I’m dealing with men and I’m living mOn Being Called An “Elder”: “I’m A Human Being. I’m Sheila. End Of Story.” I’m 67. And if I have to be put in put in a box, I embrace the term queer. But, I don’t...

Gay Veteran Reflects On Life In And Out Of The Navy.
1950s: Sailor Spends A Night In Jail After Gay Bar Is Raided. In 1952, I received what we call the SSS, Selected Service System envelope. Every young man who got one of those, of...

Bisexual Man Reflects On Truth And Love.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count1950: “That Was The First Time I’d Had Sex With Another Guy.” When I was 12, which would have been about 1950, I made my trip to my grandparents’ farm. Each of my brother1960’s: Man Has Sex Dream About His Male Psychiatrist And Then Tells Him About It. My PhD program at Boston University was in a mixture of psychology and pastoral counseling. T1973: Man’s First Visit To Gay Bar Results In Life-Changing Experience. In 1973, I was – I had finished about five years of teaching at a small liberal arts college in southeComing Out As Bisexual In The 1970’s. In the mid seventies, I took a faculty friend with me to a trip to Gestalt Institute in Cleveland. On the way back, I realized how much I Bisexual Husband And His Wife Renegotiate Relationship. When my wife and I were married, I assumed I was heterosexual. And it wasn’t till many years later that I realized I wasBisexual Man Reflects On His Open Marriage, Wife, And Long-Term Relationship With A Man. Sandy and I had been married since 1962. I had worked out a bisexual agreement when I rea...

From Kentucky Farm To Chicago Charm: One Trans Woman’s Whirlwind Journey.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countGrowing Up On A Farm In Kentucky: “I Didn’t Know Anything About Being Different.” I was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky. We lived on a farm and we all lived together. It wasLate 1950’s: “If It Wasn’t For These Women, I Wouldn’t Be Here Today.” It was the late fifties when we got to Chicago. These amazing women, the three women – my motherSexual Assault in the Early 1960’s: “Why Did I Have To Be Treated Like That?” I went to high school here. Englewood High School, I remember going to Englewood. In 1962, I reAfter Friend’s Murder, “I Became Aware And Scared For Myself.” In 1962, I remember, I had dropped out of high school but I went back to finish it up. So I graduated in 1965.Leaving An Abusive Relationship In The Late 1970’s: “I Got Smart. And I Got Tired.” In the late seventies, I’d say ‘76 or ‘77, I had been single since 1967 up until thFounding A Charm School In The 2010’s: “Social Graces Carry You A Long Way.” Since I’ve gotten older, my life has changed a lot. At the age of 67, I was still in the commu“Life Is Beautiful. And For Me, It Has Been Quite A Whirlwind.” Today, my life has really changed for me. Although I’m 72 years old, it’s never too late. I feel good about...

“I’ve Been Helped By So Many People On My Journey To Womanhood.”
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countDressing Up In Mother’s Clothes As A Child: “I Knew I Could Be The Woman That I Wanted To Be.” I was born in 1943. I was the younger son in a Catholic family – I had an ol1950’s: “I Had To Be The Man Of The Family… And I Think I’m A Girl.” I ended up going to the seminary, as something a good catholic boy always does, especially the secon1960’s: Coming Out To Wife “Left An Elephant In The Room For The Next 44 Years.” So it’s June 1966. I’m just finishing up college at Seattle University. I just got my fi1980’s: Dominatrix Inspires Trans Woman To Become Comfortable In Her Own Skin. It was August 1989. I got a call out of the blue – a search firm wanted me to come to Chicago anAfter Wife’s Death in 2012, Trans Woman Seizes Opportunity To Come Out To Family. I can remember July 20, 2012 like it was yesterday. My wife had been sick with cancer for over Trans Woman’s Life Changed After Finding A Mentor. I needed acceptance as a human being. Not male, not female, not trans. I just needed acceptance and a friend that could guide “I’ve Been Helped By So Many People On My Journey To Womanhood.” Looking back at all those people that have helped me get to where I am today, I’m just so thankful for whaTrans Woman Finds Companionship Late In Life. “I laugh harder now than I have in twenty years.” I had lived with a woman for 44 years and then had to live alone for six. And t...

“Your Son Is Being Seen Around Town With Known Homosexuals.” Gay Life From The Sixties To Today.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count...

One Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count“1960s: In Retrospect, I Think Of Him As My First Love.” I had this friend in in high school. He was clearly my best friend. We didn’t use words like that necessarily, but hKicked Out Of Monastery in 1969: “They Noticed My Homosexuality Before I Did.” So I’d been, all together, I was in the monastery for six years. From the time I graduated higFirst Meaningful Sexual Experience As An Adult: “I Knew That Meant I Was Gay.” So in 1969, after having been in a monastery for six years, I left. And I returned first brieflyFollowing Gay Man’s First Protest In 1970: “I Knew Where My Place Was.” It was in the summer of probably 1970. I had recently, the fall before, left the monastery that I hadProtest At Radio City Music Hall: “There’s A Great Deal Of Fun In Standing Up For Yourself.” It must’ve been about 19, probably 71, maybe 70. I’m bad at dates but in thaOne Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots. If you want to have an idea of what it was like even in New York City or New York State in the early seventieFollowing The Funeral Of A Gay Friend: “I Left That Church Promising Myself Never To Go Back In.” So after being a gay activist in New York City for about five years – so ro...

Pre-AIDS Greenwich Village: A Time Of “Free Love, Open Sex And Tolerance.”
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count1967: “From That Moment On, I Never Had One Moment Of Guilt About Being Gay.” The year was 1967. The war in Vietnam was raging. I just graduated from college and I was lucky 1970 Greenwich Village: “I Felt Like I Had Really Found Heaven.” In 1970, after a long stint in the Peace Corps and traveling back through many, many countries, I arrived bacPre-AIDS Greenwich Village: A Time Of “Free Love, Open Sex And Tolerance.” I feel very fortunate to have lived in Greenwich Village in the 70s, pre-AIDS. t was a wonderful t9th Grade English Teacher Rescues Former Student From Sexual Mishap. In the 1980s, I was teaching in New Jersey, commuting out from Grove Street, from Greenwich Village, and I ha1985: Rock Hudson’s Death Hurls AIDS Into Public Consciousness. In the early 80s, it was still a wonderful time because it seemed like everybody was curious about gay life. Peo“It’s Just Incredible To Think Of What We Lost [To AIDS].” The late 80s and early 90s was a sad time for many gay men. There was, there were a lot of people dying. I lost mLife After Fifty As A Gay Man. Life after 50 as a gay man. Well… you know, I have always been lucky in meeting people on the street. Whether I had my dogs or a grocery bag or a...