Results for "alcoholism"

Gay Man Frees Himself from the Grip of Addiction. “My Life Started to Get Better.”
Hi, my name’s Gary Lane. I’m from Austin, Texas. I don’t remember exactly when, but I think it was either late high school or maybe right after. One day just aI have a lot of gratitude behind that, mostly because I was able to do it without getting loaded, but also that I’m having all these feelings and I’m not running from ...

“People Started Referring To Me As A Monster.” A Gay Man’s Struggle With Alcohol
My name is Alexander Kacala, I’m from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I never really drank or partied in high school until I turned about 18 and that’s when I discovered alcohol. ...

I’m From Canton, OH.
I’ve been in hiding for about 20 years. I actually came out in the early 80’s to most of my family and by the time I was 23, had come out to everyone close to me. I moved to N...

I’m From Spearman, TX.
My family was very religious, and I grew up going to church with them on a regular basis, at least until the bullying became too much to take. I myself was quite religious as a ch...

I’m From Brandon, MS – Video Story.
After nearly losing her life in a drunk driving accident, Ashley decides it’s time to live an open, honest life. Ashley explains: Having that self destructive life, led to almosI’m Ashley Jackson. I grew up in Brandon, Mississippi. I live in Jackson, Mississippi now. I was seeing a woman when I was 21. She was a good bit older than me. But I was tellin...

I’m From Worthington, OH.
On Saturday I was read yet again, this time by a car load of teenagers who hooted and jeered at me as they drove past. I began to think that if I could not make it in the world as...

I’m From Baltimore, MD.
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland in November of 1967. When my mother and father divorced a couple of years later, my mom and I moved in with my grandmother. She was the love of m...

I’m From Bellaire, TX.
Bellaire is a township inside the city limits of Houston. It is white, middle class; approximately 25 miles from Montrose, the center of the Houston gay community. I know that my ...

I’m From Sydney, Australia.
I’ve always known that I was gay. Well before I had even heard the word, or knew its full implications. I never believed it to be wrong, how could love be so? But growing up in ...