Results for "Australia"

From Dolls to Disney, Gay Artist Advises “Don’t Stop Your Children From Exploring Their Imagination.”
Hi there. My name is Jozef Szekeres and I’m from Sydney, Australia. As a boy, I knew that I was a little bit different from the other boys and girls. Well, actually, probably I ...

“I Still Want to Have a Family. It’s Just Going to Look Different.” Coming Out In A Catholic Family.
I’m Carlo and I’m from Sydney, Australia. It took me 25 years to come out to my best friend, to my family, and a large part of that delay is because of my Catholic faith, my C...

I’m From Sydney, Australia.
I’ve always known that I was gay. Well before I had even heard the word, or knew its full implications. I never believed it to be wrong, how could love be so? But growing up in ...

I’m From Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
This weekend I visited my home town of Wollongong, an hour or so south of Sydney where my parents still live, to go to my 20 year high school reunion. In the ten years since the l...

I’m From Bayswater, Victoria, Australia.
I was 50 and just out of a long-term gay relationship and about to enter into a long legal battle with my ex to retain my home and finances. Yes my house was very important to me ...

I’m From Bayswater, Victoria, Australia.
Mine is not a happy one. My story starts when I was about 10. My family and I lived about an hour out from Melbourne in the relatively new suburb of Bayswater (well it was back in...

I’m From Canberra, ACT, Australia.
I grew up the youngest of five kids in a very liberal Catholic family. By the time I was in my mid teens my parents had separated and were in the process of starting new relations...

I’m From Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
My story starts in grade eight, which is the first year of high school where I live. I remember my sister was always changing her hair colour and seemed to always con me into prac...

I’m From Melbourne, Australia – Video Story.
Tom Jackson, the Aussie featured in today’s Video Story, is one-half of the dynamic duo who writes GAYLETTER, which is in Tom’s own words: an email newsletter designed to hel...