Results for "Christianity"

Trans Man Breaks Free From Evangelical Cult and Finds Supportive Community.
I’m Andy, and I’m from Tallahassee, Florida. So I was raised in an evangelical cult. I didn’t realize that at the time. I thought this was a normal church and After I initially came out to that one friend, I started to take more chances on sharing, not just that I was non-binary, but other aspects of my life with more people. And one of...

Gay Christian Learns to Reconcile his Faith and Sexuality. “God Made Me the Way that I Am.”
Hi, I’m Cameron Reck. I’m from Sebring, Florida. One time, when I was about 12, 13 years old, I ran out to go check the mail and in the mailbox was a random men’I suddenly had respect for my life and understanding that God made me the way that I am and I’m not a mistake. I still very much identify as a Christian. I never tell anyone...

Gay Man Grateful After Coming Out to Parents: “You Never Know How Long We’re Going To Be Around.”
My name is Edison and I’m from New York City. I grew up in a loving but extremely conservative household. My family, my parents were immigrants, are immigrants from Ecuador,And I said to him, “You’re right.” I don’t care what the truth is, what happens, what the outcome is, but you’re right. I need to tell my truth to th...

Queer Person Thrives After Choosing Theater Over Evangelism. “How Could It Possibly Be a Sin?”
My name is Dina Paolo Rodriguez. I’m from El Caja, Peru. We immigrated to the US, to Miami, in the late nineties and my mom became a born again Christian, evangelical ChriI was like, “Oh, this is such a relief.” And then I went home and I had insinuated to my mom that I might have feelings for my friend, but I hadn’t said, “...

How a Crush Saved a Queer Person’s Life. “Falling in Love was the Catalyst for Accepting Who I Am.”
Hey, so my name is Grey. I grew up in Florida. I grew up in a church and in a family that was very conservative Christianity wise. They’re also Caribbean. There’s alSo that led me to finding community online, then finding community in person, and then coming to a place where I can accept and be proud of who I am. And that has brought me to wh...

“I’m a Son. I’m a Gay Man. I’m a Teacher. I’m a Christian.” Gay Man Learns to Embrace His Whole Self.
I’m Patrick Tirino. I’m from Astoria, New York. I always knew I was gay from a very, very small age. I could vividly remember a picture that’s still in my motherSo then I start working. I get a job as a teacher. Christmas approaches of that year and as most Italian families, the holidays are a big deal. I was like, how am I not spending a...

Flirty Butt Grab During “Godspell” Leads To “Bright, Light, & Wonderful” Perspective on Gay Life.
My name’s Daniel Holland. I’m from Clear Lake, Texas. It was in 1998. It was, like, butt cut season at Clear Lake High School. I was in my shell necklace, my cargo...

After A Fire & Brimstone Warning, Queer Man Finds Solace In Lauryn Hill and An Ice Cream Shop. “We All Need Angels. Keep a Lookout for Yours.”
I’m Dusty Childers and I’m from Gaffney, South Carolina. I went to a church called Blue Branch Baptist Church. And there were a lot of women there, most of them I was related ...

God Compels Gay Christian to Accept Himself. “You’re Trying to Be Something You’re Not.”
I’m Rob Mundras and I am from East Windsor, New Jersey. When I was in my early twenties, I was an employee at a fast food restaurant, which was called Gino’s. And me and this ...