Results for "college"

Oprah, Rap & Naked Yoga: One Gay Man’s Coming Out Journey to Finding His Community
Hi, I’m Daniel, from Houston, Texas. When I was 11 years old, I was at my aunt’s house and my mom happened to be watching an episode of Oprah. I noticed it waSo I went a little bit back into my shell, but I would hear comments on a pretty regular basis about who I was when we were talking about things like top and bottom. I remember gu...

Why Getting a Short Haircut & Tattoos After Breakup Felt “Like a Second Coming Out” For Lesbian
My name is Sarah Rahl, and I’m from Kennebunk, Maine. When I went to school in Virginia, I went to college, I was on the lacrosse team. I was so closeted at that point. I I woke up the next morning early because I really didn’t sleep that night. Like I said, I was in Rhode Island. My parents were in Maine at the time. I called them and said, ...

From SF Gay Bubble to Conservative College Station, TX: How One Gay Woman Found Her Core of Queers.
A while ago, I moved from Detroit to a lot of other places and eventually ended up in San Francisco. I just basically thought it was a bubble of gay. Everywhere I went, it felt gaAnd she passed me and I passed her, kept on walking. I noticed that my stomach unclenched. I took a breath. I just felt better. I straightened up my shoulders a little bit and I k...

How a Queer Woman’s Life-Changing Haircut Set Her on a More Authentic Path. “It Was Like Freedom.”
I’m Natasha Sumner and I am from Santa Rosa, California. Growing up, I was a rough and tumble kid. I loved to be out in the dirt, out in nature. It was the place where I fToday, as you can see, I kept my hair short and revel in it all the time and really enjoy it. You know, I can’t say that these fears of mine and these sort of belief systems...

Gay College Grad’s Bravery Inspires Incoming Freshman to Come Out. “Advocacy Comes in All Shapes and Sizes.”
My name is Mike Matta. I’m from Chino, California. It was February, 2012. It was Valentine’s Day during my junior year of college at UC Santa Barbara. At that point,That moment, in that bar together, we shared something. Even though we don’t know each other very well, we shared something. And I think there’s really something beaut...

Gay Christian Learns to Reconcile his Faith and Sexuality. “God Made Me the Way that I Am.”
Hi, I’m Cameron Reck. I’m from Sebring, Florida. One time, when I was about 12, 13 years old, I ran out to go check the mail and in the mailbox was a random men’I suddenly had respect for my life and understanding that God made me the way that I am and I’m not a mistake. I still very much identify as a Christian. I never tell anyone...

Out of the Closet, Out of a Job: Following Discrimination, Lesbian Pursues Life of LGBTQ+ Activism
My name is Angie Harden. I’m from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When I was 15, I got my first job. I was thrilled to have my first job. I was lucky enough to work at a recreationaSo I called HR and I said very confidently, “I am certain that this is what has happened to me. I have been fired for being gay. Take a look at my file, take a look at my re...

“We Have An Obligation To Be Visible.” Lesbian Changes 6th Grader’s Life By Hanging Up a Pride Flag.
Hi, my name is Nicole Bashor and I’m originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I ended up going to college at the University of Pittsburgh, and it was quite a transition bA few years after that, I got married to a woman and we, after living in the city of Chicago for 20 years, were looking to buy a house. We originally moved to Evanston, which is t...

“You Will Find Your Way.” Transgender Woman’s Multi-Stop–And Ongoing–Journey to Realizing Her Identity.
My name is Samantha. I’m from Houston, Texas. When I was in college, just kind of finishing my degree at University of Texas in Austin, I started dating this guy whom I haI went to France to effectively be a student teacher in Toulouse. It was something I wanted to do, but turned out to be way more difficult than I anticipated. I was living off a r...