Results for "coming out as an adult"

“That’s My Daughter”: Construction Dad Doesn’t Hesitate to Support Trans Woman
My name is Sasha Buchert and I’m from Portland, Oregon. When I was younger, Iike a lot of people, I didn’t have the greatest relationship with my dad. We just weren&And it just made me see that, my dad loved me and saw me and supported me. Even at the risk of social cost. I know that this person obviously knew that I was transgender. But my d...

Trans Parenthood: Daughter’s Birth Inspires Woman to Live Authentically.
Hi, I’m Sharlot and I am from San Antonio, Texas, originally. I have a 3-year-old daughter. She was born three months before the start of the pandemic. And so I was still Eventually, I come out to my parents who are very supportive. I come out to my ex and we decide that it’s best to separate. I start socially transitioning, and I just start ...

“Now It’s Time to Tell My Granddaughter.” Trans Woman Finds Love & Support After Coming Out to Family.
I’m Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, 66 years old. I’m originally from Springfield, Ohio. I’m one of those who knew from a very early age, four years of age actuallTold my daughter, cousin and niece one night and finally admitted it I’m transgender female. I will initiate the change and it will be a medical change, not just a social on...

From NSYNC Cover Band Drag King to Coming Out at Work, Trans Man Shares Journey to Self-Acceptance
My name is Jay Beaulieu, I’m from South Pasadena, California. When I was six years old, I remember learning how to play basketball. I was on the court learning to shoot frSo, life moved on and I ended up getting a real job and buying a house. And one thing that never settled with me was my body dysphoria. And anybody who doesn’t want a big ch...

After Coming Out to Wife and Daughter, Gay Man’s Life Changes for the Better. “We Have a Very Modern Family.”
I’m Andre Khan and I’m from Queens, New York. I was 32, married to a woman and had a five-year-old daughter. I used to travel a lot back then in work and through those travels...

I’m From Mesa, AZ.
I was raised in the Mormon church all of my life, 6-7 generations deep. I was married at 21 and immediately started having kids. After all, for all of my life I was playing the �...

I’m From East Hartland, CT.
Do you live in small town America? I did. I know the struggle of feeling different. As a boy, I lived in the little town of East Hartland. My uncle called it “Walton’s Mountai...