Results for "coming out"
I’m From Santa Rosa, CA.
It felt like a dream. The moon hung full over the island of Hawaii and just before midnight, under a tree in the middle of a grassy knoll, I dropped to one knee and looked up at t...
I’m From Istanbul, Turkey.
I was born in Istanbul, Turkey, on January 1, 1988, into a conservative Muslim family. I have known that I was gay since I was a young boy. I knew that I was gay because I was att...
I’m From Burlington, VT.
Maybe I shouldn’t complain about any of my experiences. Thats the instinctual thought that first crosses my mind sitting down to write this. I’m an out 18-year-old living in a...
I’m From Grand Saline, TX.
I strategically waited for my Dad, who has been sober for a year now, to finish three Keystone Light tall boys before I broke the news. The more relaxed he was, the better. He had...
I’m From Wasilla, AK – Video Story.
Today’s Video Story was collected on the 50-state Story Tour. Check out the blog where you can follow us on our adventure. If you haven’t submitted a story yet to IFD, or if...
I’m From Mexico City, Mexico.
I remember I was around 16. One day, I was with my entire family eating dinner. My parents, my brother, my aunts, uncles, everyone was there. Suddenly homosexuality came up to the...
I’m From Carnoustie, Scotland, UK – Video Story.
I’m Alan Cumming and I grew up near Carnoustie in Scotland, the north east of Scotland. I grew up on a country estate where my dad was the head forester. I grew up in the middle...
I’m From Oregon City, OR.
Growing up, all the “stereotypically gay” things that I did and liked were not really unusual for anyone in my family. All of my family loves to decorate, cook, shop, and perf...
I’m From Factoryville, PA.
I didn’t come out to my family until I was 26. I struggled for years with being gay, and even had a girlfriend until the fall of my senior year of college. After we broke up, we...