Results for "England"
I’m From Hounslow, Middlesex, England.
I first realized that I was attached to guys in my first year of primary school, at about 5 years old. It was during an afternoon playtime and someone suggested that the boys shou...
I’m From Oakville, ON, Canada.
It was on a trip to London with some of my close friends from school. Just us drama kids in England for a week. When we first arrived we met our tour guide, Christian, who I right...
I’m From Sherborne, Dorset, England.
“We shape our dwellings and afterwards our dwellings shape us.” Winston Churchill. Yeah, I know it’s a poncy public schoolboy thing to do to quote Winston Churchill, but it ...
I’m From Canterbury, Kent, England.
“Two cocktails for £6” sounds like a good deal, and it is. But when you don’t have cash to burn and are already slightly tipsy, it so isn’t. The music is throbbing, you�...