Results for "family"
I’m From Roslyn, NY.
I always knew. I never thought I would be a cliché, but dare I say it…yes, I knew from an early age that I was different. It was not going to happen to me! Along the way I expe...
I’m From Ponce, Puerto Rico.
When I was growing up in Puerto Rico, I knew I was different. Very young I would shyly look at the guys and admire their looks, their bodies, the way they dressed. It’s funny, w...
I’m From New Haven, CT – Video Story
I wanted to kinda talk about my childhood and how I struggled with dealing with first my sexual orientation and second my gender identity. Through my life I was pretty much abus...
I’m From Muskegon, MI.
It’s funny; but then again, pretty typical, I guess–I was “out” before I ever came out. It started way back in high school, when I was still living in the not-exactly-enti...
I’m From Battle Creek, MI.
Most of the LGBT people today are hidden in fear. Yes, it is a scary thing–the fear of rejection, how people will handle it, worried if you’ll get beaten up over it. I have fa...
I’m From Granville, OH – Featured Artist
FEATURED ARTIST – Paul Richmond STORY by William Weaver I grew up in Granville, Ohio. A small, white, privileged, community whose pretentiousness and/or lack of reality is held ...
I’m From Jonesboro, GA.
I grew up in a very large Southern Baptist Church community. It was a “mega-church” in the south with very wealthy members. My parents taught Sunday school every week, which o...
I’m From Poway, CA – Video Story
Interested in being in a Video Story? Just let me know and we’ll set up a time and place to meet. Watch all the IFD Video Stories here. In high school, I wasn’t out and I w...
I’m From Scranton, PA.
It was Christmas Eve 2002, and I was visiting home from college in Philadelphia, where I was openly gay. I had decided that it was time for me to share that information with my fa...