Results for "Florida"

Trans Man Breaks Free From Evangelical Cult and Finds Supportive Community.
I’m Andy, and I’m from Tallahassee, Florida. So I was raised in an evangelical cult. I didn’t realize that at the time. I thought this was a normal church and After I initially came out to that one friend, I started to take more chances on sharing, not just that I was non-binary, but other aspects of my life with more people. And one of...

Gay Christian Learns to Reconcile his Faith and Sexuality. “God Made Me the Way that I Am.”
Hi, I’m Cameron Reck. I’m from Sebring, Florida. One time, when I was about 12, 13 years old, I ran out to go check the mail and in the mailbox was a random men’I suddenly had respect for my life and understanding that God made me the way that I am and I’m not a mistake. I still very much identify as a Christian. I never tell anyone...

First Love Compels Gay Man to Mend Fences with his Mom. “There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel.”
I’m Junior Suazo and I’m from Miami, Florida. My family is from Nicaragua. I’m a first generation college graduate and I come from a Catholic background. GrowiAs time progressed, I made the decision that since I was graduating, that I wanted to move to California, move with my husband. During that time, even though the transition of my ...

Queer Person Thrives After Choosing Theater Over Evangelism. “How Could It Possibly Be a Sin?”
My name is Dina Paolo Rodriguez. I’m from El Caja, Peru. We immigrated to the US, to Miami, in the late nineties and my mom became a born again Christian, evangelical ChriI was like, “Oh, this is such a relief.” And then I went home and I had insinuated to my mom that I might have feelings for my friend, but I hadn’t said, “...

How a Crush Saved a Queer Person’s Life. “Falling in Love was the Catalyst for Accepting Who I Am.”
Hey, so my name is Grey. I grew up in Florida. I grew up in a church and in a family that was very conservative Christianity wise. They’re also Caribbean. There’s alSo that led me to finding community online, then finding community in person, and then coming to a place where I can accept and be proud of who I am. And that has brought me to wh...

After Coming Out to Filipino Immigrant Parents, Gay Man Learns to Stop Seeking Approval From Others.
I’m Justin Senense, and I’m from Abilene, Texas. I was raised under three pillars. I would say for a Filipino family, it was always food, then it was family, and then I think in that moment with Elizabeth, the word anak shifted for me. I recognize I was always that son. And that being gay, loving a man, being something that my parents still had...

Artist Thrives After Coming Out About Gay Porn Past. “After I Lost My Fear, All The Positive Things Started To Happen.”
My name is Anthony Camargo. I’m from Austin, Texas. 1995. I am living in South Beach. I have a gallery on the infamous Lincoln Road, and I have a client who comes in regularly t...

New Country, New Style, New Hair Brings Out the Swagger in Gender Nonconforming Woman.
My name is Vi Andrews and I’m from Miami, Florida. I’m living at my parents’ house at this time. It was at the midway point of COVID. It’s been about a year and a half, an...

Despite Homophobia and Bullying, Gay Haitian Comes Out and Learns Strength and Patience. “We Have to Have That Patience to Teach Them How to Love Us.”
I’m Dimitry Etienne. I’m from Carrefour Marin in Haiti. Growing up there, being in school, there were words that people would use that I had no concept of because we lived so ...