Results for "friendship"

Flirty Butt Grab During “Godspell” Leads To “Bright, Light, & Wonderful” Perspective on Gay Life.

by Daniel Holland

Flirty Butt Grab During “Godspell” Leads To “Bright, Light, & Wonderful” Perspective on Gay Life.

My name’s Daniel Holland. I’m from Clear Lake, Texas.  It was in 1998. It was, like,  butt cut season at Clear Lake High School. I was in my shell necklace, my cargo...

“I’ve Been Helped By So Many People On My Journey To Womanhood.”

by Stefanie Clark

“I’ve Been Helped By So Many People On My Journey To Womanhood.”

“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countDressing Up In Mother’s Clothes As A Child: “I Knew I Could Be The Woman That I Wanted To Be.” I was born in 1943. I was the younger son in a Catholic family – I had an ol1950’s: “I Had To Be The Man Of The Family… And I Think I’m A Girl.” I ended up going to the seminary, as something a good catholic boy always does, especially the secon1960’s: Coming Out To Wife “Left An Elephant In The Room For The Next 44 Years.” So it’s June 1966. I’m just finishing up college at Seattle University. I just got my fi1980’s: Dominatrix Inspires Trans Woman To Become Comfortable In Her Own Skin. It was August 1989. I got a call out of the blue – a search firm wanted me to come to Chicago anAfter Wife’s Death in 2012, Trans Woman Seizes Opportunity To Come Out To Family. I can remember July 20, 2012 like it was yesterday. My wife had been sick with cancer for over Trans Woman’s Life Changed After Finding A Mentor. I needed acceptance as a human being. Not male, not female, not trans. I just needed acceptance and a friend that could guide “I’ve Been Helped By So Many People On My Journey To Womanhood.” Looking back at all those people that have helped me get to where I am today, I’m just so thankful for whaTrans Woman Finds Companionship Late In Life. “I laugh harder now than I have in twenty years.” I had lived with a woman for 44 years and then had to live alone for six. And t...

Gay Man’s Journey To Acceptance: “I’m Muslim. I’m Gay. And I’m Totally Okay With That.”

by Tolga

Gay Man’s Journey To Acceptance: “I’m Muslim. I’m Gay. And I’m Totally Okay With That.”

My name is Tolga and I’m from Malatya, Turkey. It’s a small, conservative town and we are all raised conservative as well. I remember every time I was going to school, some of...

“He Helped Me Feel It Was Okay To Be Gay And Lutheran.”

by Rick Stuckey

“He Helped Me Feel It Was Okay To Be Gay And Lutheran.”

I’m Rick Stuckey from Chicago, Illinois. I’m Lutheran. I grew up Lutheran. I went to a Lutheran high school. And I always felt a little different. It was summer, it was June, ...

“You Forgot Your Knife In My Car.” The Importance of Safe Spaces for LGBTQ Youth.

by Matt Beierschmitt

“You Forgot Your Knife In My Car.” The Importance of Safe Spaces for LGBTQ Youth.

Hi, my name is Matt Beierschmitt, I’m from Collinswood, New Jersey. When I was 15 years old, I was on my family computer talking on AOL chatrooms and just to meet people and the...

1988: Transgender Woman Helps 22-Year-Old Lesbian From Texas Come Out.

by Ann Brown

1988: Transgender Woman Helps 22-Year-Old Lesbian From Texas Come Out.

I’m Ann Brown and I’m from El Paso, Texas. So back in 1988, when I graduated University of Texas at Austin, I moved to New York. And that was a huge move for me, coming from t...

I’m From Tucson, AZ.

by Simon Donovan

I’m From Tucson, AZ.

My horoscope once said that with a new planetary shift it will be the end of “me” consciousness and the beginning of “us” consciousness. I will suddenly shift from self-ce...

“It Ripped My Heart Out” Choosing To Fit In Instead Of Interacting With Gay Friend

by Cameron Stiehl

“It Ripped My Heart Out” Choosing To Fit In Instead Of Interacting With Gay Friend

My name is Cameron Stiehl and I’m from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I’ll never forget the day that I found out that there was a difference. I was at a drama festival in Albuquerqu...

After Literally Running Away From His Problems, Cameron Decides To Live His Truth.

by Cameron Kinslow

After Literally Running Away From His Problems, Cameron Decides To Live His Truth.

My name is Cameron Kinslow and I’m from Pomona, California. When I was really little I used to play with my sister’s toys and we’d have the best time together. And it was ju...


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