Results for "friendship"

Satellite overhead image of New York State from Google Earth 2022

by Evelyne Bize

I’m From New York, NY.

Ken came to work at 7 am sharp every day and left at 3, not a minute later. I tried to point out to him that his workday was scheduled for 9 to 5. He usually just nodded to me and...

Black Community Spotlight: Khary

by Khary

Black Community Spotlight: Khary

I’m from Queens, NY. To reinforce the sometimes overlooked fact that there are black people in the LGBTQ community, and also that there are LGBTQ people in the black commTRANSCRIPT: My name is Khary, I’m from Queens, New York. My story is really about what it means to be gay and come out as a black gay guy and really how friendship plays into th...

Satellite overhead image of Texas from Google Earth 2022

by Francisco Gonzalez

I’m From Fort Worth, TX.

They called him back to the clinic. They said there were some discrepancies they needed to discuss. “It’s probably nothing. Probably some form you filled out wrong, or somethi...

Satellite overhead image of Texas from Google Earth 2022

by Susi

I’m From Webster, TX.

“Oh man, Susi! I gotta talk to you. It’s like, an emergency.” “Sure, what up dude?” “I can’t say it over the phone! It’s too important!” “Okay, drama queen, co...

Satellite overhead image of Virginia from Google Earth 2022

by T.C.

I’m From Petersburg, Virginia.

I first realized I was gay in the 9th grade in high school, but chose to subdue my feelings for fears of what my parents may have done. You see my parents are not only super conse...

Satellite overhead image of Pennsylvania from Google Earth 2022

by Jason Cozart

I’m From Pittsburgh, PA.

I can never repay the deeds and downright good will the people in my life blessed me with. It all started back in 2002 on an unseasonably warm evening in Central Pennsylvania. My ...

I’m From Plainview, NY – Video Story.

by Scott Sobol

I’m From Plainview, NY – Video Story.

If you’re interested in being in a Video Story, just let me know and we’ll set up a time and place to meet. Watch all the IFD Video Stories here. ...

Satellite overhead image of Texas from Google Earth 2022
I’m From Irving, TX.

I had felt that I had an unusual physical attraction to my own gender (male) since I was around six years old in the early 70s. Around puberty (1977), I realized that a word I had...

Satellite overhead image of Wisconsin from Google Earth 2022

by Adam L.

I’m From Milwaukee, WI.

It’s funny because when you look back at my life I’ve always known I was gay. Finally admitting that to myself was the hardest thing. So hard in fact, it was only a year ago t...


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