Results for "gay parents"

From Heartache to Hope: How a Lesbian and Her Wife Built Their Dream Family.
My name is Amara Richardson, and I’m from San Marcos, Texas. I was 24, and my first close friend had started her family and had her first kid. And it was all new to me as And we had to think about all of the things that went into the process of doing something like IVF, finding a doctor, the expenses of the IVF whole process, all the hormones that ...

Gay Man’s Life Changes After Adoption Of Son. “He’s The Most Important Thing In My Life Right Now.”
Hi. My name’s Tariem Burroughs and I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My partner and I, we always knew we wanted to have kids, even when we first met. Luckily a person that I...

Straight Daughter Of Lesbian Moms Responds To Uncomfortable Questions With Humor.
I’m Julia Heilrayne. I’m from Austin, Texas and I’m a sophomore in high school here. So when I was 10 years old, the summer before my third, er, before my fourth grade year,...

“It’s Just Normal. My Two Kids and My Dog and My Husband.”
This story was found with the help of Diversity Role Models which actively seeks to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in UK schools. My name is Tony and I’m from Nor...

Lesbian Couple In Hospital Humorously Experience “Being Seen First and Foremost In Terms of Your Difference.”
My name is Vera Whisman, I’m from Tulsa, Oklahoma. But this story doesn’t happen in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My partner and I decided in the 90s, when a lot of lesbians were doing thi...

“This Story Shows How My Mother Lived Rather Than Just How She Died.”
My name is Terry McGovern, I’m from East Meadow, New York. My mother was an interesting character. She was kind of athletic, she coached softball when I was a kid, so she was a ...

Homophobic Nurse Attempts To Prevent Gay Couple From Adopting.
I’m Andy Miller and I’m from South Houston, Texas. My partner and I decided that we wanted to be parents. So after a lot of planning, a lot of research, and frankly just a lot...

Coming Out To Wife And Kids Strengthens Man’s Family.
At the age of 19, Rick Clemons came out of the closet. After soon realizing it wasn’t the right time for him, he went back into the closet for 19 more years. Rick explains: I waNOTE: Rick has used his unique personal story to help others. As The Coming Out Coach, he helps teens and adults come out when the time is right for them. TRANSCRIPT: I’m Rick ...

I’m From Riverside, CA.
It all started as I kicked out of the womb. No, I didn’t have an epiphany as I ventured down the birth canal. And it wasn’t some stress of being birthed that caused me to be g...