Results for "gays getting straight married"

Gay Man Staying Married To Woman “Wasn’t Fair To Me And It Wasn’t Fair To Her.”
My name is Ken Henderson and I’m from Globe, Arizona. I dated girls in high school, I noticed boys a lot but being gay wasn’t something that really seemed an option to me at t...

I’m From San Diego, CA.
´Why are you home?” she asked. “I need to talk to you.” And then came the tears. “You´re gay” she said. I confirmed her thoughts. We sat by the fireplace talking about...

Coming Out To Wife And Kids Strengthens Man’s Family.
At the age of 19, Rick Clemons came out of the closet. After soon realizing it wasn’t the right time for him, he went back into the closet for 19 more years. Rick explains: I waNOTE: Rick has used his unique personal story to help others. As The Coming Out Coach, he helps teens and adults come out when the time is right for them. TRANSCRIPT: I’m Rick ...

I’m From East Hartland, CT.
Do you live in small town America? I did. I know the struggle of feeling different. As a boy, I lived in the little town of East Hartland. My uncle called it “Walton’s Mountai...