Results for "homophobia"

Gay Jamaican Man Escapes Violence And Seeks Asylum In The United States.
Hi, my name is Adrian. I am from St. Ann, Jamaica. I spent most of my life growing up with my mom in Jamaica. It was pretty difficult for me because I found out at an early age th...

“I Should Call The Police Right Now!” Homophobic Doctor Shames Gay Teen.
Hi. My name’s Chris Tanner and I’m from Duarte, California. When I was 15, me and my friend David, we used to hang out in front of the high school, in front of Duarte High, an...

“Coming Out Is An Act Of Activism.” Lesbian Reflects On Being Out In The Workplace.
I’m Charlotte Lewis. I’m from Geneva, Switzerland. The first time I had to come out was to my mother. I came out. I was 16 years old. We were in Geneva. She said, “That’s ...

“My Life Was In Danger.” Genderqueer Venezuelan Seeks Asylum In The United States.
My name is Ilo and I’m from Caracas, Venezuela. When I was – it was 10 years ago, or something like that, I was in Venezuela. I used to practice medicine there. At the time, I...

Man Overcomes Homophobia In Locker Room, Then Thrives In Gay Volleyball League.
I’m Jesse Anderson. I’m from Asheville, North Carolina. I’ve always been very active. I’ve loved playing soccer and I’ve played all my life. All through middle, high sch...

“Can It Be A Little Less Gay?” Performer Encounters Homophobia On The Stage.
I’m John Jarboe. I’m from Warren, Michigan. I was born to a bunch of Republican Polish Catholics with a hunting license in my little paw. I played hockey for eleven years and ...

After Online Harassment, Gay Student Finds Community He Didn’t Know Existed.
I’m Eric Schroekenthaler and I’m from Plover, Wisconsin. The summer before my senior year of high school, I had come out and early in my senior year of high school, an acquain...

Church Organist Walks Out During Homophobic Sermon.
My name is Jason Biel and I’m from Lacombe, Alberta. I’m musician. I did my undergrad at a small Adventist university in Lacombe. It’s about as conservative as you can get. ...

Gay Man Leaves Town That Has Active KKK And “Just Straight White People” To Find Community In Nearby City.
My name is Levi Wade. I am from Harrison, Arkansas. So the town I’m from, Harrison, Arkansas, there’s an active KKK outside of the town. And I remember specifically when I was...