Results for "International"

Inspired By Ex, Gay Journalist Finds Courage To Call Out Producers For Ignoring Gay Issues.
I’m Alan Conter and I’m from Montreal. In 1972, when I was 17, I was a student at McGill University and unsure of my sexuality. One day, I went to an audition for a play calle...

Church Organist Walks Out During Homophobic Sermon.
My name is Jason Biel and I’m from Lacombe, Alberta. I’m musician. I did my undergrad at a small Adventist university in Lacombe. It’s about as conservative as you can get. ...

“He Said, ‘Sorry, Buddy, But I’m Not Into Asians.’”
I’m J. C. I’m from Manila. That’s the capital of the Philippines. I grew up there. I moved to the U. S., specifically New York, in 2005 at the tender age of 21. Moving to Ne...

“Those Women Carry Knives.” Mother Warns Daughter About Lesbians.
My name is Inca Mohamed, I am originally from the Caribbean but came to the US as a child. I have always been living between those two cultures. In my early mid-20s, I was living ...

Transgender Lesbian: “I Took A Brave Step To Ensure That I Live In The Light of Truth.”
This story was found with the help of Diversity Role Models which actively seeks to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in UK schools. I’m Victoria Baker, or Tori as m...

“It’s Just Normal. My Two Kids and My Dog and My Husband.”
This story was found with the help of Diversity Role Models which actively seeks to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in UK schools. My name is Tony and I’m from Nor...

A Broken Down Car, Matching Tattoos, And A Love Story.
My name is Sam Vitez, I’m from the southwest of England, from a little village called East Budleigh. About 6 years ago I bought a 1982 Nissan Datsun 280ZX T-top. She was origina...

1963: Boy Whipped In Front Of Entire School For Kissing Another Boy
I was born in London, England in 1951. I suppose by the age of 12 it was a rather important moment in my life when I was caught kissing a boy at a rather conservative private boys...

“Something Really Remarkable Happened” After Grandson Shows Coming Out Film Made For His Grandpa.
My name is Joshua Davy and I’m from Hong Kong. When I was 16, me and my mom were invited to the W Hotel in Guangzhou because we did two pieces of artwork there. And I remember d...