Results for "Latinx Voices"

“I Don’t Want You To Go.” Gay Soldier Dares to Love Amidst a Backdrop of War & Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

by João Kiser

“I Don’t Want You To Go.” Gay Soldier Dares to Love Amidst a Backdrop of War & Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

I came out when I was 16 and then I joined the military at 21, which was something I did not want to do because of the kind of macho culture that I grew up seeing. And I didn’t I remember the last day, the day before he left because they deployed – you go back really early in the morning. The hardest thing was getting up to go to work and he was li...

Non-Binary Person Thrives After Finding Supportive Community. “I Feel Very Optimistic.”

by Vic

Non-Binary Person Thrives After Finding Supportive Community. “I Feel Very Optimistic.”

Hi, I’m Vic. I’m from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.    When I was younger, I felt like I knew I was different and my body was not mine. And the way I remembI started Googling, YouTubing, and I found that there are other people who also feel this way and that I’m not alone. Even though I had a lot of queer, lesbian and gay frien...

Lesbian Stops Seeking Mother’s Approval & Finds Peace. “I Have to Start Living For Myself.”

by Nina Hernandez

Lesbian Stops Seeking Mother’s Approval & Finds Peace. “I Have to Start Living For Myself.”

I’m Nina Hernandez and I’m from Austin, Texas. Starting from when I was about six years old, I started noticing that my mom would prefer if I like boys. I remember verBecause I do really value my relationship with my mother, after that incident, I did make another attempt at reconciliation. During this time, I also met and committed to my first...

Gay Man Grateful After Coming Out to Parents: “You Never Know How Long We’re Going To Be Around.”

by Edison

Gay Man Grateful After Coming Out to Parents: “You Never Know How Long We’re Going To Be Around.”

My name is Edison and I’m from New York City. I grew up in a loving but extremely conservative household. My family, my parents were immigrants, are immigrants from Ecuador,And I said to him, “You’re right.” I don’t care what the truth is, what happens, what the outcome is, but you’re right. I need to tell my truth to th...

Dina, a queer peruvian immigrant sits for interview.

by Dina Paolo Rodriguez

Queer Person Thrives After Choosing Theater Over Evangelism. “How Could It Possibly Be a Sin?”

My name is Dina Paolo Rodriguez. I’m from El Caja, Peru.  We immigrated to the US, to Miami, in the late nineties and my mom became a born again Christian, evangelical ChriI was like, “Oh, this is such a relief.” And then I went home and I had insinuated to my mom that I might have feelings for my friend, but I hadn’t said, “...

Swipes Right, Finds Love: Queer Undocumented Woman Falls in Love & Finds Herself Along the Way.

by Tashi Sanchez-Llaury

Swipes Right, Finds Love: Queer Undocumented Woman Falls in Love & Finds Herself Along the Way.

My name is Tashi Sanchez-Llaury and I am from Trujillo, Peru. It was after another breakup with another cishetero man. I personally think that it was a big rebound, but I think I ...

“I Didn’t Have a Good Outcome With My Family.” Nonbinary Person Overcomes Challenges To Live Authentically.

by Ley

“I Didn’t Have a Good Outcome With My Family.” Nonbinary Person Overcomes Challenges To Live Authentically.

My name is Ley and I’m from the Dominican Republic.  I was 15, 14 when I told my mother for the first time that I was bisexual, because that’s the language that I hav...

Trans Non-Binary Person Discovers Himself During the Pandemic. “I Feel Super Great to Have Dared.”

by Rio

Trans Non-Binary Person Discovers Himself During the Pandemic. “I Feel Super Great to Have Dared.”

Mi nombre es Río y soy de Sonora, México. En el 2015 estaba en un proyecto que se llamaba “Voces de mujeres, historias que transforman”, donde éramos un grupo de compañera...

Gay Man Reconciles Faith and Sexuality After Profanity-Laden Defense of Mother at Church.

by Danny Lopez

Gay Man Reconciles Faith and Sexuality After Profanity-Laden Defense of Mother at Church.

Hi, I’m Danny Lopez. I am from Austin, Texas. Thirteen, 14 years ago, I started dating this guy. Everything was going good and well. Unfortunately, he was outed. In a way I was ...