Results for "middle school"

Xbox Game “Tell Me Why” Gives Trans Teen the Confidence to Be Himself. “I Was Finally in My Skin.”
I’m Evan, and I’m from Somers, New York. When I was younger, I never really felt comfortable with the girly things or wearing dresses, playing with all the girl toys...

Thirteen-Year-Old Comes Out To Class: “This Is Who I Am And I Make No Apologies.”
I’m Arwyn Heilrayne. I’m from Austin, Texas and I’m 13 and in the seventh grade. Earlier this year, we had a substitute in Spanish class. I had finished the assignment so sh...

One Person’s Journey From Identifying As A Tomboy, Then Femme, and Finally Gender Non-Binary.
I’m E Garcia and I’m from New York City. When I was a kid, I was a huge tomboy. I remember when I was 5, I asked my parents if I could get a mohawk and dye it pink, purple and...

Being Nonbinary and Gender Fluid: “You Don’t Have To Own Up To One Label Or Be One Thing.”
TRANSCRIPT: My name is Ada Guzman, and I’m from New York City. When I was in 7th grade, I had this Latin teacher. She had been my Latin teacher a year before, and she was also m...

New Teacher Shuts Down Homophobic Language In Classroom.
My name’s Alexa Espinal and I’m from New York City. I recently came to Mississippi about four months ago to teach. I’m teaching middle school art, so I teach 6th, 7th, and 8...

The Impact of Missing Out On “Junior High Drama.”
I’m Jose Reyes, I’m from Corvallis, Oregon. I grew up in a religious and conservative household, I also went to a Christian school, went to church a lot. So for me, always kno...

IFD Live: How Cross-Dressing And “Mommie Dearest” Helped Teen Confront Bully.
Being a gay 6th grader sucks. It was particularly bad for me in Mississippi in 1985. Life sucked at school, it was horrible, every day I was tortured, it was just horrible. “Sis...

Field Trip: Classmates Fear Sharing Bed With Gay Student, Mom Has To Chaperone
Rahm had every reason to be excited about his upcoming middle school field trip. From 6th Grade, we’re told the DC trip is awesome. It’s the end of the year, it’s so cool, ...

I’m From Downingtown, PA.
Strip away the flesh and bone Look beyond the lies you’ve known Everybody wants to talk about a freak No one want to dig that deep Let me take you underneath – Adam Lambert �...