Results for "mom"

From Bi Erasure to “Flaming Bisexual”: Bi Asian Mom Learns the Value of Visibility.
Hi, I’m Ivy Le from Dallas, Texas. I thought everybody was bisexual. My family immigrated from Vietnam, so I actually grew up in two really conservative cultures; VietnameseAnd I was like, “Okay, I think I got what you’re saying now.” And it was then, because I had the awareness, I was ready for these calls to action. I immediately ...

Gay Man Pushes Back Against Mother’s Anti-Gay Vitriol and Their Relationship Thrives as a Result.
Hi, I’m Kai Ambakad from Fullerton, California. I was 19 and I was going to do errands and just have a good day with my mom. So we went out on a Sunday and we were shopping I decided that that was the last straw, because I didn’t need to hear that anymore. And I told her if she wanted to be a part of my life, if she wanted to be at my wedding o...

“You’re My Child. I Want To Be There.” Iowa Mom Accompanies Daughter to Thailand for Gender-Confirming Surgery.
My name is Daye and I’m from Clear Lake, Iowa. Growing up in the country, back home, I always knew that I was different. And I remember at one point when I was 10, actuallI couldn’t put it off any longer and I was living in Washington, DC at the time and I remember having so much nervous energy that I actually left my house and was pacing aro...

Gay Man Acknowledges Sexuality at High School Retreat, Then Comes Out To Mom. “I Will Not Allow Darkness To Creep Over My Life.”
I’m Trevor McCray and I’m from Baltimore, Maryland. In my family, there’s a rule – I don’t know about yours – but it’s an unspoken rule that family business stays wi...

Gay Twins Come Out To Each Other, Then To Mom.
My name is Ron Malott and I’m from Kyle, Texas. So being from a big family and there being so many of us, I guess because my twin brother and I were sort of special and in the m...