Results for "mother"

Queer Sikh Man Uses Visibility and Experience in Healthcare to Help and Empower Others.
My name is Sundeep Singh Boparai. My pronouns are he, him, his, and I’m from Queens, New York. I was a senior in undergrad and my mom was actually making lunch for me. AndSo I decided to go to Hofstra University, where I studied Master’s of Healthcare Administration. Once I graduated, I was like, I need to join a large health system. I joined...

Keeping Austin Weird: How One Queer Woman Learned to Let Her Freak Flag Fly.
I’m Erica Nix. I’m from Arlington, Texas. Arlington, when I was growing up, was a pretty conservative place. It wasn’t really that cool to be different, and I al...

From Bi Erasure to “Flaming Bisexual”: Bi Asian Mom Learns the Value of Visibility.
Hi, I’m Ivy Le from Dallas, Texas. I thought everybody was bisexual. My family immigrated from Vietnam, so I actually grew up in two really conservative cultures; VietnameseAnd I was like, “Okay, I think I got what you’re saying now.” And it was then, because I had the awareness, I was ready for these calls to action. I immediately ...

Cheers to That! How a Dusty Bottle of Champagne Came to Represent a Father’s Love for Queer Son.
So my name is Peter Pinto. I’m from Milford, Pennsylvania. I grew up in a very low income household. My parents were newlyweds, didn’t have a lot of money. We were oWe get to 2005, I’ve graduated. I have gone from being a performer to being a writer, and now I’m just a working fool in Manhattan doing theater when I can, how I want...

Lesbian Stops Seeking Mother’s Approval & Finds Peace. “I Have to Start Living For Myself.”
I’m Nina Hernandez and I’m from Austin, Texas. Starting from when I was about six years old, I started noticing that my mom would prefer if I like boys. I remember verBecause I do really value my relationship with my mother, after that incident, I did make another attempt at reconciliation. During this time, I also met and committed to my first...

Gay Man Pushes Back Against Mother’s Anti-Gay Vitriol and Their Relationship Thrives as a Result.
Hi, I’m Kai Ambakad from Fullerton, California. I was 19 and I was going to do errands and just have a good day with my mom. So we went out on a Sunday and we were shopping I decided that that was the last straw, because I didn’t need to hear that anymore. And I told her if she wanted to be a part of my life, if she wanted to be at my wedding o...

How a Queer Woman’s Life-Changing Haircut Set Her on a More Authentic Path. “It Was Like Freedom.”
I’m Natasha Sumner and I am from Santa Rosa, California. Growing up, I was a rough and tumble kid. I loved to be out in the dirt, out in nature. It was the place where I fToday, as you can see, I kept my hair short and revel in it all the time and really enjoy it. You know, I can’t say that these fears of mine and these sort of belief systems...

First Love Compels Gay Man to Mend Fences with his Mom. “There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel.”
I’m Junior Suazo and I’m from Miami, Florida. My family is from Nicaragua. I’m a first generation college graduate and I come from a Catholic background. GrowiAs time progressed, I made the decision that since I was graduating, that I wanted to move to California, move with my husband. During that time, even though the transition of my ...

From Dance Class to Bible Study to Basic Training, Queer Woman Finally Finds Her Identity.
My name is Staci Molinar, and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb that was very diverse, and very inclusive, and welcoming for all individuals....