Results for "Puerto Rico"

Story Update: Wanda Martinez-Johncox on Accepting Herself, Forgiving Family, and Marrying J.Lo.
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today, we’re going to be speaking with Wanda. Before we do, let’s take a look at her story. Wanda: My name is Wanda Martinez-J...

Gay Puerto Rican Learns To Embrace Both His Sexuality And His Ethnicity. “I Feel More Balanced.”
My name is William Perez and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I went to Cornell University in 1987. I struggled my first semester so much that I had straight Fs and one D. So I was ...

From “Jose” To “Joe” And Back Again: Gay Man Creates Alternate Identity To Overcome Trauma.
Hi. My name is Jose Ramon. I’m from the Bronx, New York. I was 13. I lived on Riverside Drive on 160th and Riverside. Beautiful neighborhood. My mother and father were both born...

Gay Man Gets Revenge On High School Bully: “He Never Bullied Anybody Else After That.”
I’m Edgar Gierbolini and I’m from San Juan, Puerto Rico. I remember the beginning of high school – it was ninth grade – and going from elementary school, middle school to ...

Near-Death Experience Results In Gay Man Coming Out
I’m Cristhian Escobar, I’m from Nicaragua, raised in New York City. And for the first few years of my life, I was separated from my mom and my dad as a result of being born in...

Grandma Finds Love Letter To Miss Universe, Sends Lesbian Granddaughter to Mental Hospital.
Special thanks to the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley for being our partner for this story. My name is Wanda Martinez-Johncox, born and raised in Puerto Rico. When I was litt...

I’m From Aguada, Puerto Rico.
My town is 95 miles west of San Juan and if you are a fan of The Amazing Race, parts of my town were featured a couple of seasons ago. In hindsight, I had a happy childhood, but l...

I’m From Ponce, Puerto Rico.
When I was growing up in Puerto Rico, I knew I was different. Very young I would shyly look at the guys and admire their looks, their bodies, the way they dressed. It’s funny, w...

I’m From Lorton, VA.
I came out at the age of 15. I never thought I would’ve come out at that particular time. However, shortly before my freshman year ended, my whole world became a lot more real. ...