Results for "relationship"

“You Will Find Your Way.” Transgender Woman’s Multi-Stop–And Ongoing–Journey to Realizing Her Identity.
My name is Samantha. I’m from Houston, Texas. When I was in college, just kind of finishing my degree at University of Texas in Austin, I started dating this guy whom I haI went to France to effectively be a student teacher in Toulouse. It was something I wanted to do, but turned out to be way more difficult than I anticipated. I was living off a r...

Non-Binary Person Inspired to Explore Gender Identity and Leave Toxic Ex During COVID Lockdown. “I Had Finally Chosen Myself.”
I’m Taylor McKenzi and I’m from Austin, Texas. When I was younger, I knew that I wasn’t like the other little girls around me. When we would play pretend I would often choos...

Queer Black Man To Grandmother: “He’s My Fiance And If You Don’t Get That, You Don’t Have To Come To The Wedding.”
My name is Terry. I’m from Baltimore, Maryland. Growing up, I was really close to my grandmother. I lived with her for times. My mother and I lived with her for months or maybe ...

“I Never Thought About Sexual Violence As Something That Could Be Perpetrated By A Woman.”
My name is Marissa. I am from Montclair, New Jersey. Growing up as an only child, I sought out older kids and wanted to be taken under their wing. When I was 17, I was a camp coun...

“I’m Maria… I Happen To Like Girls. I Happen To Be Intersex.”
The Resource Partner for today’s story is interACT, a nonprofit that uses innovative legal and other strategies to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex ...

“Listen. I Just Need You To Know.” After 10 Years Of Secrecy, Woman Confesses Love To Another Woman.
My name is Court Lurie and I’m from Chicago. So I was 19 or 20 and I had transferred from University of Illinois to Savannah College of Art and Design. They had a softball team ...

“You Have To Leave.” Facing Discrimination In A Hospital At The Height of the AIDS Crisis.
I’m Doug Rice, I’m from Rochester, New York. Robert and I met in 1983 at a record store I was working at. He came in as a customer and I’d just gone to a Talking Heads conce...

The Sweet Breakup.
Stine Bats found herself in her first relationship. As excited as she was about it, after a while she knew it was ending. But she wouldn’t let it end badly. I think you can tell...

Mom Attends Drag Show To Learn How To Accept Gay Son.
Barton’s story will take you on an up-and-down journey, beginning with optimism… In this chat room, I met this professor. He became a very influential person in my life. I wasTRANSCRIPT: I’m Barton, I’m from Lebanon, Ohio. I’m currently living in Bloomington, Indiana. When I was 16 years old, I used to participate in the gay community through the...