Results for "Self-discovery"

I’m From Boulder City, NV
My story is not all that unique. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times before but it is one that has shaped me in many ways and made me who I am today. I was 16 years old an...

I’m From Haymond, KY.
“May I go outside in the yard?” I asked, interrupting the conversation. “Sure,” said the man. “Make yourself at home.” It’s been nearly forty years, I thought. Is th...

I’m From Pibrac, Midi-Pyrénées, France.
I was about 5’5”, fifteen years old and I wore my heart on my sleeve. It was about October time, so the leaves were all on the ground and it was dry and cold. We, my friends a...

I’m From Lumber City, GA.
The year was 2010 and I was 33 when I returned home to Lumber City, a small, rural, farming town in southeast Georgia. I hadn’t been home in almost a year because to me, Lumber ...

I’m From Richmond, VA.
I remember when I first came out. It was the only time. I was home visiting family for one holiday or another and I sat my mom down for the big “I’m gay” talk. “I have t...

I’m From Clear Lake, TX.
I grew into a young man in the upper/middle class suburb of Houston, Texas known as Clear Lake City. Home of NASA’s Johnson Space Center. My dad scored an amazing job with a NAS...

I’m From New York, NY.
That night it happened, that night I had my gay epiphany, was a brutal, agonizing downer. I was an emotional wreck — disgusted, appalled, frightened. And all I’d done is admir...

I’m From Perth, WA, Australia.
I already knew I was gay but hadn’t accepted it. I had crushes on friends and knew what attracted my attention at school, on the beach, on the street, at my tennis club, etc. I ...

I’m From Salt Lake City, UT.
The summer after my senior year of high school, I traveled to Europe for a last hoorah before college. I was 17 and a world away from Salt Lake City, the hometown that I had grown...