Results for "Texas"
I’m From Sugar Land, TX.
My Uncle JimBob was the first gay person I ever knew. I am the second. JimBob was 80’s gay and fabulous. He and his partner Vance would show up to family holidays in fantastic f...
Dustin Lance Black – I’m From San Antonio, TX.
My name is Dustin Lance Black and I grew up in San Antonio, Texas. You know, different isn’t good in San Antonio, Texas – in the military, in the Mormon church, back in the 80...
I’m From Grand Saline, TX.
I strategically waited for my Dad, who has been sober for a year now, to finish three Keystone Light tall boys before I broke the news. The more relaxed he was, the better. He had...
I’m From San Antonio, TX.
Think being gay is tough because your church or synagogue disapproves? Try being gay and Christian, getting prejudice from both sides of the fence. From Pastor’s kid to worship ...
I’m From Spearman, TX.
My family was very religious, and I grew up going to church with them on a regular basis, at least until the bullying became too much to take. I myself was quite religious as a ch...
Mayor Annise Parker – I’m From Houston, TX.
Transcript: My name is Annise Parker and I am the Mayor of Houston Texas. I knew that I was gay, began putting a name to it when I was twelve, didn’t come out until I was fiftee...
I’m From Fort Worth, TX.
In the gay world you come across so much drugs. Pot is pretty much common place wherever you go. Some harder ones might even be pretty easy to come by in other circles. But I’ve...
I’m From Fort Worth, TX.
They called him back to the clinic. They said there were some discrepancies they needed to discuss. “It’s probably nothing. Probably some form you filled out wrong, or somethi...
I’m From Webster, TX.
“Oh man, Susi! I gotta talk to you. It’s like, an emergency.” “Sure, what up dude?” “I can’t say it over the phone! It’s too important!” “Okay, drama queen, co...