Results for "trans man"

Shirtless Trans Man on a Beach Changes Stranger’s Life. “It is Super Important to See Our Marks.”

by Terrence Francois

Shirtless Trans Man on a Beach Changes Stranger’s Life. “It is Super Important to See Our Marks.”

My name is Terrence Francois. I’m from Brooklyn, New York, also known as Indigenous Land of the Lenape people. So it’s 2021. We’re a year into the pandemic. The And they’re just cheesing. They’re like, “¿Como esta?” That’s I think all I got. And I was like, “I’m good. How are you?” And I th...

Trans CPS Investigator Resigns Rather Than Support Texas’ Anti-Trans Policies.

by Morgan Davis

Trans CPS Investigator Resigns Rather Than Support Texas’ Anti-Trans Policies.

My name is Morgan Davis. I’m from Austin, Texas.  A year ago, I was an investigator with Child Protective Services. At the time, Governor Abbott, the governor of Texas, askSo I immediately went outside to staff the case with my supervisor. I’m on the phone with my supervisor, “Impeccable, let’s close it.”  “No, unfortu...

Trans Man Breaks Free From Evangelical Cult and Finds Supportive Community.

by Andy

Trans Man Breaks Free From Evangelical Cult and Finds Supportive Community.

I’m Andy, and I’m from Tallahassee, Florida.  So I was raised in an evangelical cult. I didn’t realize that at the time. I thought this was a normal church and After I initially came out to that one friend, I started to take more chances on sharing, not just that I was non-binary, but other aspects of my life with more people. And one of...

Three Weddings and a Reconciliation: How One Trans Man’s Patience Helped Heal Family Wounds

by Connor Maddocks

Three Weddings and a Reconciliation: How One Trans Man’s Patience Helped Heal Family Wounds

Hi, my name is Connor Maddocks. I’m from San Diego, California.  When I was say about 45 years old, this amazing thing called the Internet came out and I met some folks onlWe just kind of left it alone. And I would talk to them on the phone and conversations were just very like, “Hey, how are you? I’m fine. I’m fine. Okay, talk to you ...

From NSYNC Cover Band Drag King to Coming Out at Work, Trans Man Shares Journey to Self-Acceptance

by Jay Beaulieu

From NSYNC Cover Band Drag King to Coming Out at Work, Trans Man Shares Journey to Self-Acceptance

My name is Jay Beaulieu, I’m from South Pasadena, California.  When I was six years old, I remember learning how to play basketball. I was on the court learning to shoot frSo, life moved on and I ended up getting a real job and buying a house. And one thing that never settled with me was my body dysphoria. And anybody who doesn’t want a big ch...

Black, Lenape (Two-Spirit) Trans man, Darius, sits for interview. They are smiling and wearing a Phillies hat. They have a dark shirt on and wearing glasses.

by Darius McLean

How One Trans Couple Found Love During the Pandemic. “Don’t Be Afraid to Love and to Let It In.”

I am Darius McLean and I’m from Newfield, New Jersey.  About seven years ago I was working at the Mazzoni Center and the CHOP Gender Clinic. When I was working at Mazzoni CSo about six years later I was working at Einstein Hospital and just a little bit before that, Celena was made the executive director of the Office of LGBT Affairs, but she had be...

Xbox Game “Tell Me Why” Gives Trans Teen the Confidence to Be Himself. “I Was Finally in My Skin.”

by Evan

Xbox Game “Tell Me Why” Gives Trans Teen the Confidence to Be Himself. “I Was Finally in My Skin.”

I’m Evan, and I’m from Somers, New York.  When I was younger, I never really felt comfortable with the girly things or wearing dresses, playing with all the girl toys...

K-Pop Band BTS Helps Trans Man Break Free of Gender Expectations. “I Didn’t Have to Fit into this Trans Box of What a Trans Man Should Be.”

by Kieran

K-Pop Band BTS Helps Trans Man Break Free of Gender Expectations. “I Didn’t Have to Fit into this Trans Box of What a Trans Man Should Be.”

My name is Kieran and I’m from Amarillo, Texas. It was 2016 and I was around 29 years old, and I’d been transitioning for about a year and a half at the time. Before I came ou...

Buffy and a Music Video Contributes to Trans Man Embracing His Identity. “You Deserve to Choose Yourself.”

by Bristtle

Buffy and a Music Video Contributes to Trans Man Embracing His Identity. “You Deserve to Choose Yourself.”

I’m Bristtle. I’m from Liberty, South Carolina. I remember I was 11 years old the first time I realized that I was queer. I was watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Willow an...


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