Results for "Video Story"

Gay Man Pushes Back Against Mother’s Anti-Gay Vitriol and Their Relationship Thrives as a Result.

by Kai Ambakad

Gay Man Pushes Back Against Mother’s Anti-Gay Vitriol and Their Relationship Thrives as a Result.

Hi, I’m Kai Ambakad from Fullerton, California. I was 19 and I was going to do errands and just have a good day with my mom. So we went out on a Sunday and we were shopping I decided that that was the last straw, because I didn’t need to hear that anymore. And I told her if she wanted to be a part of my life, if she wanted to be at my wedding o...

How a Queer Woman’s Life-Changing Haircut Set Her on a More Authentic Path. “It Was Like Freedom.”

by Natasha Sumner

How a Queer Woman’s Life-Changing Haircut Set Her on a More Authentic Path. “It Was Like Freedom.”

I’m Natasha Sumner and I am from Santa Rosa, California.  Growing up, I was a rough and tumble kid. I loved to be out in the dirt, out in nature. It was the place where I fToday, as you can see, I kept my hair short and revel in it all the time and really enjoy it. You know, I can’t say that these fears of mine and these sort of belief systems...

Three Weddings and a Reconciliation: How One Trans Man’s Patience Helped Heal Family Wounds

by Connor Maddocks

Three Weddings and a Reconciliation: How One Trans Man’s Patience Helped Heal Family Wounds

Hi, my name is Connor Maddocks. I’m from San Diego, California.  When I was say about 45 years old, this amazing thing called the Internet came out and I met some folks onlWe just kind of left it alone. And I would talk to them on the phone and conversations were just very like, “Hey, how are you? I’m fine. I’m fine. Okay, talk to you ...

Gay College Grad’s Bravery Inspires Incoming Freshman to Come Out. “Advocacy Comes in All Shapes and Sizes.”

by Mike Matta

Gay College Grad’s Bravery Inspires Incoming Freshman to Come Out. “Advocacy Comes in All Shapes and Sizes.”

My name is Mike Matta. I’m from Chino, California.  It was February, 2012. It was Valentine’s Day during my junior year of college at UC Santa Barbara. At that point,That moment, in that bar together, we shared something. Even though we don’t know each other very well, we shared something. And I think there’s really something beaut...

Gay Christian Learns to Reconcile his Faith and Sexuality. “God Made Me the Way that I Am.”

by Cameron Reck

Gay Christian Learns to Reconcile his Faith and Sexuality. “God Made Me the Way that I Am.”

Hi, I’m Cameron Reck. I’m from Sebring, Florida. One time, when I was about 12, 13 years old, I ran out to go check the mail and in the mailbox was a random men’I suddenly had respect for my life and understanding that God made me the way that I am and I’m not a mistake. I still very much identify as a Christian. I never tell anyone...

“Now It’s Time to Tell My Granddaughter.” Trans Woman Finds Love & Support After Coming Out to Family.

by Christynne Lili Wrene Wood

“Now It’s Time to Tell My Granddaughter.” Trans Woman Finds Love & Support After Coming Out to Family.

I’m Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, 66 years old. I’m originally from Springfield, Ohio.  I’m one of those who knew from a very early age, four years of age actuallTold my daughter, cousin and niece one night and finally admitted it I’m transgender female. I will initiate the change and it will be a medical change, not just a social on...

Out of the Closet, Out of a Job: Following Discrimination, Lesbian Pursues Life of LGBTQ+ Activism

by Angie Harden

Out of the Closet, Out of a Job: Following Discrimination, Lesbian Pursues Life of LGBTQ+ Activism

My name is Angie Harden. I’m from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  When I was 15, I got my first job. I was thrilled to have my first job. I was lucky enough to work at a recreationaSo I called HR and I said very confidently, “I am certain that this is what has happened to me. I have been fired for being gay. Take a look at my file, take a look at my re...

From “Utter Agony” to Love and Trust: A Father’s Journey of Acceptance Towards His Gay Son

by James Palmer

From “Utter Agony” to Love and Trust: A Father’s Journey of Acceptance Towards His Gay Son

Hi, I’m James Palmer. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. In my mid 20s, I reached out to a therapist because I was having some challenges with the relationship that I was in, My life continued for six years. So for many years, I had thought that it was paramount that I, before my dad died, that I would be able to sit with him and to have a conversation...

From a Secret Wedding to Legal Marriage: A Lesbian Love Story in the Shadow of Prop 8

by KishaLynn Elliot

From a Secret Wedding to Legal Marriage: A Lesbian Love Story in the Shadow of Prop 8

My name is KishaLynn Elliot and I’m from San Diego, California.  One night in 2006, a friend of mine dragged me out for drinks in West Hollywood. We’re sitting at theElection night comes and our group of our friends decided to have a viewing party and we went, and it’s a very exciting time. It’s all of our Black friends and we̵...