Results for "written story"
I’m From Aguada, Puerto Rico.
My town is 95 miles west of San Juan and if you are a fan of The Amazing Race, parts of my town were featured a couple of seasons ago. In hindsight, I had a happy childhood, but l...
I’m From Florence, SC.
When I was born, you, in your arrogance, chose to saddle me with your name. A seventeen-year-old boy making the assumption that he had done something worthy of having his name car...
The Trevor Project’s Rated Q Video Contest
I’ve always been a fan of The Trevor Project, as we share a common goal of helping LGBT youth. On October 11, which was National Coming Out Day, they launched Rated Q, an online...
I’m From Massachusetts
I am an 18-year-old gay teenager. Combine that with the fact that I have severe ADD and acne, and am a uncoordinated nerd, and you have a typical high school outcast. The funny th...
I’m From Girardville, PA.
Colby and I met in 1991 when I was dating my ex and she was dating an abusive ex. Colby’s twin sister was dating my ex-husband’s best friend. Through his best friend, my ex be...
I’m From Middlesex County, NJ.
Secretly, I called him Ass. Now I know what you’re thinking: Why would you call someone that? Let me explain… History class 2009 was extremely boring. The students didn’t ca...
I’m From Grand Forks, ND.
I guess I always thought of my life as one long story. The first person to know I was gay was my grandma, and by first I mean she knew before me. For the most part I didn’t seem...
I’m From Heyburn, ID – Featured Artist
Story and art by Frank-Joseph Frelier We called ourselves “The Jupiter Moons.” It started at Kimberly Hobson’s docks, the summer of 2003. She always threw the best river par...
I’m From Kewanee, IL.
On that fateful day, I stepped into my guidance counselor’s office and asked, “Is he here yet?” She shook her head. “What made you decide this?” “I’m not sure.” An...