Results for "written story"
I’m From Bellingham, WA.
I was raised in the burbs of Minneapolis, MN. I knew I was “gay” (we didn’t have that word back in the early 60s), when I was 8-10 years old. Feeling different than the othe...
I’m From Princeton, BC, Canada.
I grew up in a small town of less than 2,000 people. It had no traffic lights, and is parceled by two beautiful rivers. My father was born here and my grandfather was the first te...
I’m From West Springfield, MA.
It is kind of funny how someone can be so blind to things that others find so obvious. I went to a Catholic seminary in the 1980’s. In my mind, the only way I could be gay and C...
I’m From Ocala, FL.
I am bisexual in orientation, and married with children, and out. I grew up as an Air Force brat. We moved around a lot, but finally settled in Florida (my extended family is spre...
I’m From New York, NY.
When I was 18, I was just starting to realize I was gay. I had always known I was different, but in truth I had never shown much interest in sex. Then one day when I was 17 a swit...
I’m From Arequipa, Peru.
Gay guys in a hot tub. The night had been fun but it was coming to an end. We had told jokes and shared stories, we were a little loud and reminded ourselves we weren’t in West ...
I’m From Colorado Springs, CO – Featured Artist
FEATURED ARTIST – Jason Shorr STORY by Matt R. “So he stuck his middle finger to the world,” Nick’s ring back sang to me as I waited for him to answer. “Let it Rock” ...
I’m From Phoenix, AZ.
Last fall, after a heart-wrenching break-up, I had to come back out into the dating world. I didn’t want to, but knew I had to get back up on that horse. I met a guy on Facebook...
I’m From Lawrence, KS.
People don’t usually ask you what it’s like to be gay. They ask you how your parents reacted when you came out to them. They ask you when you knew. But they never ask what it ...