The Choice In Bisexuality.

by Holly

Holly explains the sometimes tricky situation of coming out as a bisexual.

It’s weird to come out as a bisexual because it’s both that there is something of a choice and you know there is a choice and other people also know there is a choice.

Holly even pondered the need to come out at all, unless she fell in love with a girl.

[I]f I ever meet a girl who I really like I’ll just bring her home and say, “Hey, Mom, this is my girlfriend” or something like that and if not then she won’t know.

Continue Reading to hear Holly explain how she thought she came out, but had to clarify to certain people, including her father.


I’m Holly and I’m from Philadelphia. It’s weird to come out as a bisexual because it’s both that there is something of a choice and you know there is a choice and other people also know there is a choice. It’s not like you can say, “Oh I’m gay and I can’t help this” if you ever face any kind of prejudice like that, there definitely is a choice there.

When I was little I had a wife when I was in preschool or something. I told everybody then that I was going to grow up and marry her and everything and we were kissing and hanging out all the time and she was my girlfriend or wife or whatever I felt like she was at the time. And so it’s like I felt like that was my actual coming out and everybody should had just remembered that if they’d known me that long.

The idea of coming out, I don’t like the idea of having to say to someone oh by the way this is some facet of my life that is personal. So when I was younger I kind of decided that I didn’t need to and I sort of pushed it back and was like well whatever if I ever meet a girl who I really like I’ll just bring her home and say hey mom this is my girlfriend or something like that and if not  then she won’t know or something. And so it’s like I kind of I didn’t think about it that much it wasn’t something that I was hiding in some big personal way where it was keeping me up at night. My dad, I actually thought he knew. There was this one time when we were in New York City we were sitting in this cafe and they were making some kind of joke, I have no memory of what the joke was, but it had something to do with swings and I was like, “You know swings are only fun if they go both ways” or something equally stupid and my dad just laughed and was like, “Oh really Holly?” And I thought I had come out then but on National Coming Out Day, kind of as a joke because I thought everyone knew considering “Interested in women and men” was on my Facebook page and I couldn’t think of anyone who didn’t know just because I’ve known most of the people I’m friends with for a while now and everything. So on National Coming Out Day I was like this may come as an insane surprise to everybody but I’m actually bisexual and my dad called me up and was like, “I knew it, you could have told me earlier, you know?” And I was like, “Oh, I thought I did.”

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