Results for "bully"

High School Bully Instills Confidence In Gay Classmate. “Remind Yourself of the Truth.”
Hi, my name is Remy Wilbanks. I am from Chicago, Illinois. My story kind of starts out with my mom falling down a flight of stairs, aand she had me prematurely at one pound, five ...

High School Bully Has A Secret.
Like too many gay kids in high school, Justin Taylor was bullied. I was a very closeted, afraid, little gay kid in high school. 15, 16 years old. Really afraid of people, really a...

I’m From Bridgeport, CT – Featured Artist
FEATURED ARTIST – Gio Black Peter STORY by Christopher Stoddard My ripped, black fishnet stockings are draped over his helmet. It reminds me of those mesh gym bags usually stuff...

One Story. Two Perspectives.
NOTE: We collected the following two stories in Salt Lake City on the 50-state Story Tour. Gay Lynn Costa and her son, Kyle McElwain, hosted us while we were in SLC and were qu I’M FROM CHOCTAW, OK. By Gay Lynn Costa When my son, Kyle, was fourteen years old, I asked him point-blank if he was gay. He admitted to me tearfully that he was. We hugg...

I’m From Turkey.
My high school years were the pitch black period of my life. Public humiliation, name calling and laughing at my face were part of my routine. Kids at school were brutal. Forget a...

I’m From Belton, TX.
Gravity slams my shoulder into the rusting frame of the bus seat. The silent impact spins my body sideways, gravity finishing its job, pulling me to the hard rubber aisle–my bac...

I’m From South Charleston, OH.
I am in fifth grade, coming down the short hallway that connects the cafeteria to the hall with the lockers in it when it happens. Aaron, one of the “bad kids,” one of the boy...