Results for "coming out"
I’m From Hagerstown, MD.
I don’t know when I first realized that I found girls attractive, but I have for as long as I can remember. I was raised first as a Christian, then a few years as a Quaker, then...
I’m From Honolulu, HI.
From the time I started school, the divide between me and the other students was unbearable: I would dress like a boy, I couldn’t relate or hang out with other girls, and boys t...
I’m From Everberg, Belgium.
“I am gay.” The 6 am face in the bathroom mirror said that to me over and over again, swollen with too much drink from the night before, like every night before, leaving the r...
I’m From DeGraff, OH.
DeGraff, oh what a small town. My family is big, everyone knows who we are and what we do here. I was young, maybe fourth grade when I felt that funny feeling. To look back on it,...
I’m From The Bronx, NY.
I am a survivor of Aesthetic Realism, one of the world’s first ex-gay cults. I grew up in the ‘70s the victim of lots of derision. I was constantly reminded by my family and s...
I’m From Claremont, NH.
My name is Jordan, I’m from New Hampshire, and I’m transgender. When I was growing up I knew I wasn’t like the rest of the girls. I always wanted to play with boys, and do b...
I’m From McMinnville, OR.
I had always known I was gay. I came out at 18 during my first year at college—my first year away from home. There was nothing extraordinary about coming out to my mom (on the p...
I’m From Dallas, TX.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I lived in Dallas, Texas my whole entire life, I’m the biggest nerd you will ever meet; I can talk about Star Trek, Doctor Who, slashe...
I’m From Pasadena, CA.
Realizing that I was gay at the age of 11 in early 1960’s rural America terrorized me and thus at that time I ‘chose’ to be straight. Hiding within myself while growing up, ...