Results for "transgender"

“That’s My Daughter”: Construction Dad Doesn’t Hesitate to Support Trans Woman
My name is Sasha Buchert and I’m from Portland, Oregon. When I was younger, Iike a lot of people, I didn’t have the greatest relationship with my dad. We just weren&And it just made me see that, my dad loved me and saw me and supported me. Even at the risk of social cost. I know that this person obviously knew that I was transgender. But my d...

From HRT to FIFA: Trans Athlete Joins a Women’s Soccer Team – Then Creates Her Own
I’m Bethany Cyrtmus-Davaul, and I’m from Hudson, Wisconsin. When I was 28-years-old, in my condo in Chicago, sitting on my nice wine red couch, I was watching some YWe currently play in the WPSL league, which is one of the largest women’s soccer leagues in the world. It’s the highest level of women’s soccer in the U.S. that isn’t prof...

Trans Parenthood: Daughter’s Birth Inspires Woman to Live Authentically.
Hi, I’m Sharlot and I am from San Antonio, Texas, originally. I have a 3-year-old daughter. She was born three months before the start of the pandemic. And so I was still Eventually, I come out to my parents who are very supportive. I come out to my ex and we decide that it’s best to separate. I start socially transitioning, and I just start ...

Ctrl+Alt+Defeat Discrimination: How One Trans Activist Transformed the Tech Industry.
My name is Mary Ann Horton, and I’m from San Diego, California. Think back to 1997. I was a closeted cross-dresser working for Lucent Technologies in Columbus, Ohio. I kneSo I was ready for my first day at work as Mary Ann. I’d waited until I had a good reason to do it. On National Coming Out Day, in 1998, we had a gay couple that owned a res...

Gender-Affirming Care Leads Trans Woman From Sex Work & Prison to Motherhood, Marriage, and a Career
I’m Tabytha Gonzalez, pronouns she and her, and I’m from Newark, New Jersey. I first came to New York City. I was with my dance crew, or a dance crew that I was a pa...

Trans CPS Investigator Resigns Rather Than Support Texas’ Anti-Trans Policies.
My name is Morgan Davis. I’m from Austin, Texas. A year ago, I was an investigator with Child Protective Services. At the time, Governor Abbott, the governor of Texas, askSo I immediately went outside to staff the case with my supervisor. I’m on the phone with my supervisor, “Impeccable, let’s close it.” “No, unfortu...

Non-Binary Person Thrives After Finding Supportive Community. “I Feel Very Optimistic.”
Hi, I’m Vic. I’m from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. When I was younger, I felt like I knew I was different and my body was not mine. And the way I remembI started Googling, YouTubing, and I found that there are other people who also feel this way and that I’m not alone. Even though I had a lot of queer, lesbian and gay frien...

Trans Man Breaks Free From Evangelical Cult and Finds Supportive Community.
I’m Andy, and I’m from Tallahassee, Florida. So I was raised in an evangelical cult. I didn’t realize that at the time. I thought this was a normal church and After I initially came out to that one friend, I started to take more chances on sharing, not just that I was non-binary, but other aspects of my life with more people. And one of...

Three Weddings and a Reconciliation: How One Trans Man’s Patience Helped Heal Family Wounds
Hi, my name is Connor Maddocks. I’m from San Diego, California. When I was say about 45 years old, this amazing thing called the Internet came out and I met some folks onlWe just kind of left it alone. And I would talk to them on the phone and conversations were just very like, “Hey, how are you? I’m fine. I’m fine. Okay, talk to you ...