Results for "UK"

Transgender Lesbian: “I Took A Brave Step To Ensure That I Live In The Light of Truth.”
This story was found with the help of Diversity Role Models which actively seeks to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in UK schools. I’m Victoria Baker, or Tori as m...

“It’s Just Normal. My Two Kids and My Dog and My Husband.”
This story was found with the help of Diversity Role Models which actively seeks to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in UK schools. My name is Tony and I’m from Nor...

1963: Boy Whipped In Front Of Entire School For Kissing Another Boy
I was born in London, England in 1951. I suppose by the age of 12 it was a rather important moment in my life when I was caught kissing a boy at a rather conservative private boys...

I’m From Bristol, England, UK.
As I sat on my bed gazing at the television screen watching BBC Parliament for the first time, it occurred to me that I will always remember this day, February 5, 2013, for this w...

I’m From Neyland, Wales, UK.
I had been haunted by homosexual thoughts and indulgences for some time. But with being 16 and within easy reach of an internet enabled computer at home, they were getting hard to...

I’m From Gorleston, Suffolk, UK.
1994. The beginning of this journey, one of which no one could have determined. One of which seems all so strange to one family. One of which one wished had happened earlier. 1998...

I’m From Birmingham, West Midlands, UK.
The words of my mother stayed with me for a long time. “I don’t want a bent son” she had said when I was twelve years old. She wasn’t referring to me, much to my relief at...

I’m From Cornwall, UK.
It was the 23rd day in May. I’d been putting it off for what felt like an eternity. But I knew it had to happen some time soon. I didn’t know how you’d take it. I didn’t k...

I’m From Carnoustie, Scotland, UK – Video Story.
I’m Alan Cumming and I grew up near Carnoustie in Scotland, the north east of Scotland. I grew up on a country estate where my dad was the head forester. I grew up in the middle...