My story starts with one really lonely day at school when one of my classmates called me worthless. I sat there and saw all my friends watching as he put my self-esteem to -23. I went home and sat in the corner of my room and felt the worst I have ever felt in my life. I thought out my whole school life and I distanced myself from everyone. My mom got the worst of that. I really couldn’t explain why but I am pretty sure it has to do with me being afraid people would find out that I was gay.
Every day after that I was depressed almost like I was sleep walking. I watched this movie called “Shelter”, a gay love story, which made me so lonely. I really don’t know why but I just was. I did not have anyone to talk to about anything. As of now, I still don’t. I really don’t have much more to say except that I am getting better. I have had this teacher who gave me this quote: “If there is a meaning in life then there is a meaning in suffering.” I am going to college in 3 weeks and I am going to come out since I will have nothing to lose. Well, I really wish I realized this sooner but I never had anything to lose. So please don’t wait, it’s not worth it.